"It's like it got stuck kinda deep." He muttered, still trying to tug the piece of chain from the ground with his strength. He hissed as the chain burned his palm because he pulled it with no gloves on, but he could careless. "Maybe we could sell it in the nearby village, in case someone threw it away. After he pulled, and pulled, finally he got the chain off the ground and he fell with a quite thud on his backside. Hands gripping tight to the object that he tried to pull off earlier. It was a necklace, with a red, smooth gem on the center. A bit transparent, but not crystal clear. It does look like the gem have something like a thick, unmoving liquid like substances inside of it. Lu lifted his head to look at Verloren, as if asking what kind of thing that they've just found. "This is weird. Never saw this kind of thing back in the city." Then he stood to admire the small piece of jewelry in his palm. "Does it look like.. Um.. that red kinda stone? Ruby?"