[hider=Caelus Marius Scipio] [b]Name:[/b] Caelus Marius Scipio [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Rank:[/b] None at present [b]Appearance:[/b] Marius is of typical northern Italian stock, with thick, leathery skin born of a lifetime's work. His black hair is always cropped short as per regulations, and is generally covered by either his helmet when on duty or a beaten leather cap otherwise. [b]Equipment:[/b] Most of the time Marius uses the full Legionary Lorica segmentata with gladius and shield, but has come to acknowledge that battlefield equipment is not always the ideal choice. For those moments when subtlety or dexterity are more important than staying power, he generally uses a Germanic short sword and leather armour garnished with fur, both souvenirs of past conquests. [b]Personality:[/b] Marius is a soldier to the core, with unwavering loyalty to the empire and a healthy dose of Roman arrogance. For the most part however, he is straightforward and respectful, both to Roman citizens and even barbarians; he may look down on non-citizens, but has also picked up a certain grudging respect during his years in Germania. [b]Bio:[/b] Caelus Marius Scipio was born on campaign, the son of one Gaius Marius Scipio, Primus pilos Centurion of the V Alaudae Legion. His early life was spent in camp as his mother followed the Legion though Germania; he was trained from an early age, both by his father and his adopted Legionary uncles to be both a proficient fighter and respected leader. At the age of fifteen he joined V Alaudae as a war dog handler and through dint of skill, determination and the odd helping hand from his father, spent the next few years steadily rising through the enlisted ranks. His father's sudden death was a turning point in Marius' life. He knew next to nothing about the circumstances surrounding the murder; indeed, all the evidence pointed to it all being an unfortunate accident and if it wasn't for his gut feeling, Marius might have believed that. After years of searching for the truth, he was eventually contacted by someone who claimed to have proof of a conspiracy instigated by so-called 'Templars' and which included Gaius Marius' murder. It took Marius over a decade to hunt this lead down and he is determined to pursue it. Marius is currently serving as Optio centuriae to one of V Alaudae's many Centurions and is directly in charge of the Cohort's war hounds. While his role is technically 2iC, his Centurion is the lazy son of an aristocrat; as such, Marius generally finds himself in de facto command of the Century. [b]Skills/Strengths:[/b] Marius is a career Legionary and swordsman, with a decade and a half's fighting experience to draw from. His long service and subsequent promotions have given him a good amount of influence with some of the men in his legion; a handful may even be more loyal to him than to their Legate. Also through his work, Marius has something of a way with animals. The dogs that his cohort uses are trained to listen for his voice above all others on the battlefield; they could be a useful asset in other situations. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Marius has no diplomatic ability whatsoever, let alone senatorial. When it comes to using charm or logic to outwit an opponent, Marius will be caught flat-footed every time. After a life living in empty frontier outposts and tent camps, Marius has developed a serious weakness for those luxuries only available in civilisation; namely, women and wine. [/hider]