[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FvMx8lA.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][color=Blue]Fubuki Hotsuin[/color][/h3] Fubuki let out a small sigh she tried to stop a fight only for it to happen anyway. Oh well nothing she could do as casually opened her bag ate a cookie that was in there. Having a bit of it hanging out of her mouth she quietly watched the goings between Yamato and Daiki wondering if they really will "spar". She supposed she could stay behind and see if it does happen should be interesting she supposed no one really offers spars to prodigies. Or no one challenges her to a spar she should be more specific. [color=0054a6]"A friendly spar?" [/color] She spoke up as she finished her cookie going by the attitude it's everything but friendly. Still who was she to judge after all. Deciding to sit down for a bit since this whole proposed challenge should be interesting and Yamato was not one to turn something like this down she figured. Seeing no where close by she decided to just sit by the lake on the ground. Not even bothering to hide her amusement that was starting to twinkle in her eyes this was something she get behind now as she carefully watched to see what exactly will happen next.