Sorry if things didn't work out for you. I hope for the best in your future RPing. After some PMing and brainstorming, I've updated the first post with a more tightened storyline and adjusted the rules a bit. Please review the first post for these updates. If you guys have anything you wish to add or question, please let me know before we get things underway. To be honest, I just made up this storyline during the weekend and it needs serious polishing. Instead of a vague adventure story with little conclusion in sight, I've made it so Vivi-Dream is suffering from an excess of negative locations that could affect the dreamers in the real world via mental illnesses or personality disorders should these adventures not be undertaken. Any thoughts or concerns with this? I need to work on the wording of this outline as well so it's not confusing, but I think this is more concise than before. EDIT: *wipes brow* Phew. I'm done editing the first post for tonight, so please read it over.