[img]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e335/RainbowReindeer/combine_images_zps9ifq4cl1.jpg[/img] [color=#b5dae9][i]"I can already feel the blue waves nipping at my sides, waiting to pull me under a deep dark hole..."[/i][/color][h1][color=#b5dae9]Iris[/color] & Poseidon[/h1] [color=#b5dae9][b]God Name:[/b][/color] Poseidon [color=#b5dae9][b]Human Name:[/b][/color] Iris Castus [color=#b5dae9][b]Human's Age:[/b][/color] 25 [color=#b5dae9][b]God's History:[/b][/color] [url=http://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/gods/poseidon/]Link.[/url] Son of Cronus and Rhea. [color=#b5dae9][b]Human's Biography:[/b][/color] Iris Castus was born in South Bronx, New York. Her mother died from a drug overdose when she was eleven and her father was in jail. She was juggled around foster homes for a few years, with all of her short-spanned stays ending in silent tears and bitter scars. Luckily, a childhood friend of her mothers found out that her best friend's daughter needed a home. The child-care workers gladly handed Iris over to the tattoo artist without protest. They were understaffed and had a small budget - they couldn't afford to help every single orphan out there. Thus began Iris's humble but color-filled childhood at Long Island. It was almost like a fairy tale, so surreal and magical. With proper care and love, her past wounds soon faded into bad memories. Iris then discovered her passion for art, specifically tattoos. She spent most of her day assisting the woman who had saved her life and her nights doodling underneath the covers with a flashlight. Eventually, she had to go to school to receive an education. She didn't particularly enjoy school, but she went for the sake of her Mum. Nevertheless, school shaped Iris into who she is today. Although she wore her heart on her sleeve and had quite a vicious temper, people liked her. As Iris's mum would said, "Iris is like a pit bull. She looks scary and her bark might be loud, but she's all cuddly and gooey inside." She dyed her dark brown hair into a pink bubblegum color and got a tattoo done on her left arm. Life was good, and like how all fairy tales began, she would find her one true love, Rick Williams. At first, Iris and Rick did not get along well with each other. Rick was typically calm and in control while Iris displayed a variety emotions one after another. Eventually, the two grew to completely trust and care for each other. After high-school, Iris and Rick made plans to marry and move to Hawaii since Rick wanted to be a professional surfer. Iris didn't care for swimming ([i]She can't swim!)[/i], but she agreed because she wanted to live with Rick until they were old and wrinkly. Then the world she had so carefully built and protected came shattering down on her. Iris, Rick, and their families and friends went to a a beach. Iris, wanting to prove that she could in fact swim, waded into the ocean knee-deep. What she didn't know she had waded into a rip-tide. The current swept her away and she found herself swallowed up by the ocean. The last thing she saw was Rick diving in after her and the last thing she felt was a large familiar hand grabbing hers before slipping away. When she awoke, Rick was gone and she was being dragged towards the beach by Rick's brother. Rick's body was found two weeks later. Iris became withdrawn and depressed. After the funeral, she went back to the beach where the accident had occured and cried herself to sleep on the sand, only to never wake again. After a few days passed, her mother found her there, frozen and untouchable. Since then Iris has been some sort of a tourist attraction - [i]"The Mourning Woman"[/i]. Her fairy tale was too good to be true.