Well, I'm definitely impressed! I read through the 'general history' thread and looked over the Periplus and Britannia ones and the degree of worldbuilding is [i]staggeringly[/i] dense (which I say as a compliment). While I like to call myself a bit of a history buff and know at least the bare bones of much of what you touch upon in the aforementioned links, you thoroughly blow me out of the water, which is actually kind of exciting when you're used to being one of the few people with any in-depth knowledge of these subjects. Have you ever been to alternatehistory.com? Because this is exactly the sort of thing I would expect to find there. Anyway, I did some snooping and it seems you've tried to run something like this before prior to "Guildfall"? I didn't see any mention of a sudden influx of fantastical races or any historical background on magic in that version, though. Are those new additions for this attempt? I typically enjoy the opportunity to brush up on the minutiae of different eras and cultures for RPGs, but I must admit I am a bit ambivalent about actually signing up. For the time being, I simply wanted to gush a bit and salute your ambitions. I do have one question, however. Do you mean for the non-human races to be NPCs? I would certainly support going that route, but just wondering. Otherwise, it would seem you'd have to dedicate at least a fraction of the same detail to their cultures and histories in order to play them, which may be more than even [i]you're[/i] up for outlining (then again, maybe not).