[hider= Atilius Albus Antonius] [img=http://www.costumeshopper.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/ccc01126.jpg] Name: Atilius Albus Antonius Gender: Male Age: 20 Rank: Yet to be recruited Equipment: Atilius always carries a small dagger on his person, as his father taught him to, when going about his daily routine and really doesn't carry anything else, nor does he own any other weapons as he doesn't see the need to. He believes the dagger is enough protection for him, for those who don't fear his name. Personality: Like most sons of prominent senators and wealthy politicians, Atilius is spoiled, proud, arrogant, and is convinced the world revolves around him. He takes nothing, save for politics, seriously and would rather be out swooning the local women towards his bed than be in his villa reading some boring old texts. What most people don't see however, is Atilius's quick mind, and devious thought processes before he commits to an action - a skill he painfully picked up from his father. Those who truly do know him say that he seldom, if ever, does anything that wouldn't bring him profit or mention within the roman courts, making him quite famous with the senators, and a sort of prodigy they wished was their own son. Bio: Atilius was given great fortune from birth, being born into the wealthiest and most powerful patrician family in Rome, however being born into such a family brought along with it many restrictions and rules against him. One of the most hated of them being politics; although he has an unnatural talent in politics and swaying others to his way through his charisma, he hates politics and would rather spend his time in bed with a flock of women at his side, cooing and glorifying his handsomeness. Though, being the son of Augustus Antonius ended most of that when his father began teaching him, and in no way with a kind hand, the game of politics and how to manipulate it to his own advantage. Despite hating every second of learning the political arts, he couldn't put blame onto his father for learning it in fact made his life more interesting, and more pleasurable. He even found the daughters of various senators rushing towards him due to the praise and mentions he gets within their households. This encouraged him more to learn politics, urging his father to teach him some of the trade secrets and accompanying him on various political trips where he saw his father's mastermind at work. Skills/Strengths: He is trained with the use of the dagger and the bow, although his skills in both are severely lacking. Atilius's mind is sharper than a blade with a very rare knack for politics and knowing this fact, he uses it to get the upper hand many situations, be it political or when he's generally screwing around with his friends. Not only does he have a sharp mind, but Atilius is also a quick learner, picking up on things faster than any ordinary man. One look at a page and it will stick in his mind for the rest of life, one look at how someone did something, and it will also stick in his mind until death. Weaknesses: Atilius's biggest weakness is his arrogance. More often than not it has caught him in a trap that he had not intended to happen, or that could have easily been avoided had he a humble bone in his body. Some senators joke that they thought they would not live to see one as arrogant and haughty as Julius Caesar until Atilius was born. He is not physically impeding and would certainly lose in a fight if he ever got into one. [/hider]