As Oliver had gradually drifted in front of her as they walked, Isabelle felt a flush of pleasure at the action. To her, it said that he was willing to take the lead, was apt at leading when it came to their little town. The idea made her smile. She was still smiling as she came to a stop beside Chester's house and the mayor moved past her to look out over the cliff onto the beach and the ocean waves. "Yes... Chester has it good... And he has lived here for quite some time now." Glancing towards the rather bright paint of the roof, she couldn't help but chuckle softly. "The bright orange is new though. I think he lost a bet with Peter..." The idea of the rather grumpy rabbit tricking the energetic squirrel villager into painting his house such A loud combination of colors was amusing, but quite revealing of each other's personalities and the way the two tended to clash. They were usually pulling one prank or another on one another on any given day of the week... Oliver then asked a question about real estate, diverting Isabelle's thoughts from some of the more colorful arguments that had occurred over The last year, causing her to tilt her head thoughtfully as she considered The answer. "Umm... As far as I know, Tom Nook handles all of the real estate for the town. I think he offers to build a house anywhere you can find enough room. And the last time I looked, there is plenty of open space along the cliffs." Glancing back in the direction of the train station, she added, "He has a shop set up on main street just across the railroad tracks."