Hey everyone! Took me a while to find my CS, it was buried under a mountain of PMs. [hider= Shiri] Name: Shir'Inilim, or Shiri Nilim when split apart. Species: Twi'lek Age: 16...ish Gender: Female Faction: Jedi Order Rank: A Padawan under Master Tetsu. Captive?: Yes, unfortunately. Things sure went wrong this time... [hider= Appearance] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MFxH0vYgE0s/T41B3mMnNjI/AAAAAAAAAAk/w1y2MLtRrdw/s640/Numa.jpg[/img] [/hider] Notable Race Traits: The Lekku, or 'Brain Tails' are very distinctive traits of the Twi'lek, they are also very sensitive. Flaws: ok, see these things on my head? Don't. Touch. Them. It hurts, and frankly I just can't guarantee your safety if you do. Alright, Brain-Tails aside... I don't like to listen to or follow orders, and I guess I can be pretty rash sometimes... normally it doesn't turn out to be much of a problem though because, as much as I hate to have to do what i'm told, I do respect Master Tetsu enough to listen to her. I suppose I should add that don't work too well with large groups either. Also because of my utter repulsion to authority, I don't really have a sense of morals about what I do sometimes. If the plan will work, I use it. Skills: Umm, let's see... I'm good at hacking into things, like droids and microchips and stuff like that. I picked it up while I was a thief to help myself and others not get caught by drones and such. I knew a few others in the area, and whenever one of them figured out a new trick, they spread the knowledge. I've sort of made my own little fighting style, so I'm good at fighting, in a kind of sneaky way. I was a pickpocket and a thief for a long time, so... I'm good at that, and I guess this could be a strength as well as a flaw, but I don't have a sense of morals about what I do sometimes. Since I started learning to become a Jedi, Master Tetsu has been teaching me the Ataru form of Lightsaber combat. Force capabilities: I can do the little suggestion thing, and I've been working on picking up small objects from across the room and bringing them into my hand. Master Tetsu often tells me I am a fast learner, and apparently I finished the basics of learning to become a Jedi in just a year. Biography: Do I have to fill this part out? I really don't want to... Alright, fine. Before I met Master Tetsu, I was a mess. I never really had any goals or ambitions in life before then, I was just going day-by-day, avoiding the authorities and working as a thief. The time before I met Master Tetsu is kind of a blur to me now, I never really had anyone I cared about enough to keep in touch with, any friends or interesting events, so there wasn't much worth remembering. I was kidnapped at a young age, to become a slave, but lucky for us the guy was caught while he was transporting us, so we all got to go free... and that's about where my memories start to blur. I don't know how many years ago that was, I don't exactly know how old I am, and I don't really want to talk about it. Now, I'm not gonna pull that 'I've done bad things in the past, but I'm better now!' bullshit with you. Yea, I was a thief, and a pickpocket, and I think I may have indirectly caused a few deaths. I had to. I don't regret the things I've done, or my reasons and methods for doing them, I just wish I could have found a different path sooner. I was about 13 years old when I became a padawan, and I was found by Master Tetsu a little while before then, she was the one to convince me to try and become a jedi. It's been a few years since then, and I've apparently done pretty well with my training so far. Right now, Master Tetsu and I are on Coruscant for some business with the Temple there. We arrived almost two weeks ago, and Master Tetsu has lent me to the local authorities to help them with a case. Meanwhile she herself has left the planet to go take care of her own business in Ryloth. Personality and/or Motivation: I'm kind when I want to be, and I'm a bit mischievous. When I'm around people I actually like, which hasn't happened in a LONG time by the way, I can be funny and lighthearted. Usually though I try to keep my thoughts and emotions from showing, just a habit I guess. I seem mean, because that's the way I want to be seen. Player’s long term goals: ((I'm currently thinking that she'll survive, although I'm not sure If she'll stay on the good side. It depends on how things play out still.)) Relations: Master Tetsu- I'm her Padawan. Not much more to say. I respect her enough to listen sometimes, and I try to help her out too, and she doesn't boss me around as much as she could, so It's a start. Final Point - Secrets: My parents. It's a very touchy topic for me, because I was taken from them. I don't remember anything much of the time after I was taken, but before then I can clearly remember some of when we were all together. I know that they never would have wanted us to be separated. I remember their love, and I get very emotional when I think about them, although I often turn it into anger. The only person I've managed to tell about this is Master Tetsu. [/hider]