[quote=@FaithsRose] I rather like the idea of the democracy ^^ A good way to limit the pressure build up on one person and could lead to a nice change in pace throughout. Think the off screen development would be a good idea as well, give a settled kind of approach to things. The only thing I'd say about the democracy is would that be between us veterans or would that be extended to everyone who joined? As for how the group got moved on, perhaps overrun by a zombie herd? If we do reboot this and nobody minds, I'd like to have Ash removed from play, perhaps by a zom-zom bite or something sacrificial like that xD I agree with finding an idea to set it apart whilst keeping character development as a big part of it <.< The government one is interesting xD Though kind of limits things as to where the story can go if its just a sectioned off piece of land. It's quite a hard one finding something unique to run with >.< Different mutations in the zombies? Secret Organisations? Underground safe zone made by the government for select peoples? Intelligent zombies? Brainstorming a few might be a good idea ^^' [/quote] And Cat could be the one to totally Axe her. Since he'd probably be the only one who could do it without being traumatized at having to take a friend's life. Might be another reason why Mercy might just avoid him more. I was thinking of killing either Cat or Dog, cause that was sorta a plan. But it was going to be quite. Dramatic, and fucked up so I kinda want to keep them both alive for now. Maybe Dog can lose a eye from the little skirmish and wears a eyepatch now, Mhmm kinda like the intellegent zombie idea. Reminds me of the movie Warm Bodies. But Ya know, except this universe probably won't have magical brought back to life zombies into normal people. (It was surprisingly a fun movie for one sorta based off of Twilight. Weird.) Maybe we can do a little Fallout element to it?