Meanwhile, in a large clearing located far away from the guild, accompanied by Drax, Leon and Inigo are going through what may seem to anyone else a rather intense training session. However, for these two, it's rather commonplace. Neither of them has shown a sign of weakness, nor have broken into a sweat. "As usual, we're evenly matched in terms of using physical strength alone. However, those eyes of yours always keep you one step ahead of me, don't they?" Inigo states mid-charge before performing a leaping strike on his uncle, who counters with his own blade, the force of the impact almost making him falter. However, Leon quickly forces him off, retreating a few paces. "That may be true, but you know fully well the limit of my magic." He responds to his nephew's earlier remark before launching a volley of black flames at Inigo. Despite the rumors, Inigo knew better than anyone else that his uncle's fireballs were anything but an illusion. The only thing fake about them would have to be their properties. Ergo, Drax, if he was able to keep up with all of the action, may be puzzled by Inigo's next move. Instead of making an attempt to dodge this flurry of flames, the boy instead swaps his current silver sword for a black one, and slashes at a few of the approaching projectiles. As they come into contact with the blade, they appear to be absorbed by it, giving it an aura of darkness that seems to burn brighter with each fireball taken in. [@Jollan]