Storibrooke High is a boarding school for the children of storybook characters (for example the daughters/sons of Cinderella, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, ext, ext). It was founded 508 (in storybook years, not Earth years) by Finnly Gronu, a simple librarian who loves all storybook characters. He decided that it was time for the children of these people to learn just how to follow in their parents footsteps. So, he opened up the school and it has been running for almost 5000 years. Millions of students have entered the school. However, for each generation of the school (from year 1 to year 10), only one person (or twins if necessary) from each character could enter the school. Once that student leaves, a new child from that storybook character can enter. Also, if I may add, the original character never ages, while their children do. During school time, the students take part in lessons that help them learn how to follow in their mothers/fathers footsteps. These lessons are personalized for them, however there are three lessons they all must take part in: Survival in Stories, History of Stories and the World of Stories. There are holidays at Halloween, Christmas, Easter and Summer, however they don't go home for this. Instead, they are free to explore the school grounds and visit the neighboring village of Storibrooke. There are five lessons a day. Each lesson takes an hour, however it is possible to have double lessons (lessons which take 2 hours). Before lessons, there is a house meeting starting at 8:45, which lasts for 10 minutes. You then have 5 minutes to get to your first lesson, which starts at 9:00. The next lesson starts at 10:00, and finishes at 11:00. You then get a half hour break before going to your third lesson. This lesson starts at 11:30 and finishes at 12:30. Lunch is then between 12:30 and 2:00, giving you an hour and a half. Then, you go to your 4th lesson, which starts at 2:00 and ends at 3:00. Finally, you go to your final lesson, starting at 3:00 and ending at 4:00. Every night there is an assembly which you may or may not go to. The assemblies are always different, so it's a good idea to go just to see what it's about. If you don't go, you are free to explore the school or go back to your dorm. Lights out is at 11:00. ~ You are one of the new students going into the school. Feel free to have as many characters as you like, however, please be considerate as I am only accepting 20 characters. The only rules for the RP are: 1) No swearing please. I'm totally fine with people writing things like, "He cursed under her breath," or, "She swore," but please don't actually type the swear word. 2) Romance is totally aloud, but no further than kissing, please. 3) I'm fine with mean characters, but please be nice to people in the OOC. Thank you. 4) No indestructible characters. Everybody has a weakness, nobody is perfect. 5) Just so I know you read this, put "Hakuna Matata" somewhere in your CS. Here is a list of classrooms: Class 1: Monday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Tuesday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Wednesday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Thursday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Friday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Class 2: Monday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Tuesday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Wednesday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Thursday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Friday: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: