[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/191nd2.jpg[/img] [h2][color=9e0039]Yamato Minamoru, “Young Master”[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Yamato had succeeded at his technique, sucessfully fulfilling his plan to buy time to grab him with the bunshin. However as he grabbed the boy there was a poof of smoke around him, leading Yamato to believe that there was a bunshin of sorts that Daiki had spawned from his chakra. It wouldn't be a big deal, now that his jutsu had succeeded he could sustain the jutsu while releasing the tiger seal. Not even waiting until the poof of smoke had died down he started forming seals for a great fireball technique. Right as he inhaled to let loose the ball of fire he noticed.. something strange. [b]The clone was holding a sword..[/b] had Daiki mastered the kage bunshin technique? It didn't matter, he had caught the real Daiki and the kage bunshin would die easily with this great fireball, after which he'd kill Daiki using his Yaoku's revenge. Yamato exhaled, but before the technique was able to even come to fruitation, Yamato felt something strange at his feet. [b]Crystal..[/b] That fucking Shin. The great fireball jutsu got canceled as the crystal rapidly grew over Yamato's body, who was still holding onto Daiki with his fiery bind technique. But when the crystal moved over his back, he couldn't even hold onto this technique and Daiki got released, since the flames had no path to him. Right before Yamato's mouth would get encased, too, he spoke out to Shin. [color=9e0039]“Baaaka...”[/color] This idiot thought he had the right to stop a battle that was agreed upon? Matter of fact, Yamato was challenged. Listening to him, muffled through the crystal but audible still, Yamato couldn't help but feel more angry. Then that other guy, Jaakuna, came and said he'd 'bust a cap in their ass', whatever that may mean. Yamato could, and would, take all three of these idiots on any day. Then both Yamato and Daiki got released. Not sure what Daiki would do, Yamato stood still and waited. If anything, the interference had only saved Daiki's life, and if Daiki came at Yamato again, it would've been for nothing because the boy would still die. [color=9e0039]“If you hate me so much, why come to my families property to tell me you hate me? I can't help it that your family lives in a dogs house.”[/color] he taunted Daiki, playing with the ancient feud that lived between the Tiger and the Dogs, the Minamoru and the Naito. Neither side really remembered what started the feud, but it was known it started long before the existence of Konohagakure. Being forced to live in the same village hadn't furthered that cause much, either. [color=9e0039]“The Tiger will always beat the Dog. That is life.”[/color] Yamato stuck his hands into his pockets while looking at Daiki with an intense stare. [color=9e0039]“Watashi wa Kami. I am god, and I decide your fate. Do not test me. You are lucky these two idiots interfered. You owe them your life.”[/color] In a way, he did, but he'd never admit it and neither would these two idiots. Yamato turned around and faced Shin and Jaakuna, his angry stare subsiding for a more bored look. Atleast Daiki had the guts to stand up to Yamato, something that didn't happen often. Although it was dumb, it was also brave, something that couldn't be said of these guys. In a way, Daiki was respected by Yamato - he was stubborn and didn't back down from a fight. That was commendable, and useful in battle. That aside, he also didn't have a kekkei genkai [i]as far as Yamato knew.[/i] These two.. they were boring, and both of them had a bloodline limit. Besides being idiots, that meant they also had an unfair advantage simply because life favored them. They didn't know what hard work was. [color=9e0039]“Don't do that again. The next time I will take your crystal and shove it into your eye.”[/color] Normally he'd have kicked Shin's ass, and Jaakuna with that, but if he did that, the entire party would try and stop him. That would be bothersome. Yamato then turned back to Daiki. [color=9e0039]“I will go home now, unless you wish to disregard your two babysitters and continue. I won't hold back then. You'll surely die.”[/color] He flashed a obviously fake smile and didn't wait for an answer. He was quite sure Daiki, although stubborn, couldn't ignore his two friends and continue. Especially because Yamato had made an effort to stop the fight two times now - there was no way they could blame him if he [i]did[/i] beat Daiki, since Yamato got provoked. Anyone who knew Yamato knew that he'd not allow himself to be provoked like some idiot, and likewise, that he'd ultimately beat Daiki. He'd be lucky to get away alive. Walking past Daiki, he didn't bother to give him the satisfaction of a look. Instead he walked to Naomi, hands in his pockets. [color=9e0039]“I'm gonna go home. I'll hang out with Reihana. Feel free to come, or stay here.”[/color] He looked around the party and noticed that a bunch of people had already left. [color=9e0039]“Not much fun to stay here though.”[/color] He didn't really wait for her, expecting her to make her own choice, and headed up the forest trail back to his home, leaving the Lakehouse behind him as well as the party. However, no one could probably really confirm he really went to his house.