[H2]Tahlia Cross The Gymnasium[/H2] 'We're starting a band, you want in' Tahlias' ears perked. A band? How exciting, it was a good thing she just happened to over hear that juicy piece of gossip. Tahlia definitely wanted in on that action, she was pretty good at all forms of string instruments, the Violin being her favorite, she didn't mind playing Bass ether, that was pretty exciting. Before entering she clapped her hands after listening to the very invigorating song that the guitar player strung. To be quite honest, she liked what she heard. *Clap Clap* "That was pretty incredible. I liked your lyrics, the way you played too." She stopped for a moment, taking in her surroundings and this rag tag bunch of people. A guy who looked pretty plain, yet could play the electric guitar incredibly. A pessimist by the looks of her... Not that it bothered Tahlia, in fact, she figured they would make good friends... Then... A crossdresser of some sorts... Pretty much a crime against fashion. But each to there own, thought Tahlia. "Is there room for one extra member? I can sing, play pretty much any string instrument, but the Violin is my favorite. If you'll have me, I'd love to join. I mean... Money wise, like payment... I don't expect much. Just buy my meals for me hahaha" [@Destinyfailhorror17][@karamonnom][@Eleventhfret]