[img]http://puu.sh/i11br/00b7edbabf.jpg[/img] What I have in mind would be best suited to this region. Regardless of the territory I take, however, at the very exact center of the domain is where his vaunted capital city ought to be located. A massive sprawl of red granite and white marble, much of it uninhabited and reclaimed by nature. The stomping grounds of terrible beasts and the resting place of dark, pre-confrontation secrets. The rest is the province of humans, and to a lesser extent, other various Roan races. Obviously that doesn't have much bearing on the map representation itself, but I figured I'd clue you in on what I had in mind so you could get a better of what idea to do in the map editor. Either way. The city is -big-, but pretty dysfunctional. The city itself is named 'Biarlisid', but it's more colloquially just referred to as 'the city' by the locals, since it's by far the largest permanent settlement in Corcanocht's domain. The rest of his domain, which is known as the 'Periphery', is all particularly rough terrain, both in terms of habitability and travel, with the southern reaches being dominated by very alien-looking badlands. The further north one travels, the colder (and wetter) it becomes, with the terrain giving way to fogged highlands and moors, and finally bitterly cold tundra as one nears the northern peninsula.