[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/2d1l85d.jpg[/img][/center] [color=0054a6]"Get lost. Knucklehead." [/color]Sentou completely strikes with a mean streak on Takeshi with a blunt expression and dialogue. She turns her attention to Paneru. [color=0072bc]"Yo, Pan. Well you know how I roll, strip when wet."[/color] She giggles. [i]"I better calm down other wise mom is gonna kill me."[/i] Sentou reminded herself to calm down her agitation issues and thinks of her mother, Ayame Choko who is very strict. She breathes heavily. [color=0072bc]"Sorry, Aoi. But not today."[/color] Sentou controls her anger and goes to Daiki, Shin, and Yamato. [color=0072bc]"You guys are still at it? Tch.. why don't you guys settle things out in Purgatory Battalion. It's better that way." [/color] [b]Purgatory Battalion[/b] [hider=Click for its look][img]http://www.travelvivi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Bandra-Ohm-Residential-Tower.jpg[/img][/hider] It is the world's most popular battle site located outside of the village ; an island and a huge building created by Kumogakure and Amegakure Kages. The fifth-tallest building in the world, the Purgatory Battalion stands 3,350 feet tall and has 199 floors. Inside, thousands of martial artists compete daily in order to advance to higher floors. Competitors are allowed to fight and defeat their opponent using any means, but jutsus and chakra are not allowed on the first 50 floors. One is given prize money for advancing on each of the 199 floors; after reaching the 100th floor, competitors get their own private room. On the 1st floor, a competitor will get enough money for basic needs no matter the outcome of the battle. On the 50th floor, a competitor gets 50,000 Jenny for one victory. On the 100th floor the prize money is 1 million Ryo and on the 150th one, the reward is over 10 million Ryo. Cutting back to Sentou. She calls Aoi as she gets dressed.[color=0054a6] "Takeshi. I'll take you on singing some other time."[/color] She said. [hr] [i]Meanwhile....[/i] In the forest. Corpses of Konoha Shinobi are headless and bloody. One of them is identified as a fat man none other than Shogo and a couple. Following after that, a man mercilessly kill a Konoha Shinobi. [url=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32200000/Mio-Chan-mio-akiyama-32265835-518-720.jpg]Konoha Citizen aka Hostage who got free[/url] Only one person is left and she runs for her life, the man didn't care and just let her go. He disappears too. She saw something she shouldn't have seen. What is seen cannot be unseen. [url=http://i.imgur.com/K8PmzUP.jpg]Her friend's head[/url]. Off with its head. She screams in sadness and pain much to the disturbing gore she witnesses. It was her friend, killed by that man. She screamed so loud. [hr]