[color=red][b]TSDC; Official Message from the CEO to news channels and affiliated corporations[/b][/color] [hider=MAN, Corporate Network and TSDC Network open Broadcast] (In the case of MAN) "And now, folks, comes a special message from a megacorporate leader, recieved 20 minutes ago!" Argus appeared in the center of the screen, with the backdrape of his office around him. "Corporations... and colonies. These past months have seen the degrading of the people of Mars into complete chaos." "However..." Argus strained a bit to find words politically appropriate; it didn't work. "The works of... our government... have proven... less than satisfactory. In fact, they have failed to provide what was their sacred duty; the protection of all of us and the things that make us human. Not just corporations, but the people as well." "Therefore, TSDC extends a hand of alliance to any company that would have it. Unity in a time like this is essential, and we beseech you to find good terms with the people that lok up to you, may it be security or something else. In addition, colonies..." He paused for a minute. "It is obvious that approval of corporations has gone well below levels deemed acceptable at the turn of the last century. Some corporations failed to recognise the signs of a people being suffocated by an one-way looking administration. We do not wish that to happen. Power of corporations come from people, the very people that make them up. TSDC will not ignore them." "Therefore, as CEO of TSDC, we welcome colonies and organisations not of a corporate nature with open arms as well. The only catch here... is terrorism." "Any organisation approaching us that has dealt a hand in terrorism or has accepted aid from knwon terrorist organisations will be rejected. Terrorist organisations that put themselves up to us, beware. the BeamBlasters are waiting for some excitement." The message ended, with each respective channel going back to what they were doing. [/hider]