[h3] 30 Minutes Ago[/h3] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/1957841_1002300306456822_6295103376040524090_o.jpg[/img] [color=0054a6] [b]"Who am I kidding? Of course I knew well you would help you older twin out. If you got any magic mumbo jumbo like mom to heal me up. I'll be grateful."[/b][/color] Still with the impending arrogance that Ria shows viciously, how could anyone take her seriously. Her overconfident nature is something that Kaname knows very well of. Ria is only effective given the right conditions but since she is what she is, cold as ice with her tsun-tsun personality, she is difficult to convince. Then she replied to Kaname. [color=0072bc][b]"Hi Nagisa. What are you guys doing here?"[/b][/color] Ria asked their little brother, maid and butler. They replied, the little brother wants Kaname to go home. Ria sighed. [[color=0054a6]b]"Anyways. I need to meet the so called; Kirigaoka's Speedster. I need her to steal from Andromeda Industries. I need her to steal the Tachyon Prototype Launcher."[/b][/color] Ria with her unwise plans. Stealing from the company where their father works. [color=0054a6][b]"You knew well how pragmatic my actions are right? Time is running out, I need to save Nishihara Wendy before a bomb blows Academy City into pieces. You're willing to do that for me right? Little twin sister?"[/b][/color] She outright puppy faces and mocks Kaname at the same time. [b]Isone Hibiki[/b] She have had it with Ria's nonsense as ridiculous as it sounds. The cryomaster does have a point. [color=92278f][i]So if this is end of the world scenario. We don't have much of a choice but to comply to the ice princess so called pragmatic plans. Ungrateful bitch, she asks for our help and she's treating us like her maids.[/i][/color] [color=92278f] "And this is why we don't like you Tsurara." [/color]Hibiki-senpai points out to Ria with a frank honesty. [color=92278f]"You're lucky you transferred to Hybrid Academy otherwise... as much as we hate to cooperate with your vigilante fiasco. We're in."[/color] Hibiki accepts Ria's request. [b]Marcus the Hostage[/b] [color=0054a6]"I figure you'd say that but how would you so succeed if you all are busy fighting Ria!"[/color] The maid and butler incapacitates Taiki, they are revealed to be telepathic espers that are level 3; Nagisa is not Nagisa for he is a skill-out member disguised by the telepathic illusion and drags Hibiki out by making an explosion at the room. Nobuyuki on the other hand calls Kaori to hurry up, he runs out of the room. [color=0054a6]"You do realize. You can't beat me Marcus and why would I betray them?"[/color] Ria being overconfident as usual. He jumps out of the 2nd floor. [color=ed1c24] "I don't need to beat you. All I need is to control you. The serum I injected you will control you! The only way you can beat is... two brothers in the bible Cain and Abel. That is my clue."[/color] Marcus runs away. Ria starts going wild as she can't control herself. Ria's eyes turns red as she starts freezing the whole Kirigaoka Campus and attacks Kaname with a frozen fist to the stomach. [color=0054a6]"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"[/color] [b]An unexpected turn of events. Ria becomes the enemy instead of the hope that her classmates need![/b] [b]Post Credits[/b] Nobuyuki is with Kaori, Kotori, and Hiroshi. [color=ec008c]"Guys we need to get outta here now!"[/color] Kaori replied. [color=00a651]"Right!"[/color] Knowing the situation. They warped out of the place heading to Mocha Dreams. Yuki calls Bang. [color=ec008c]"Dude. Don't ask but this isn't the good time to ask. Ria is about to destroy the whole town... whatever you call it. Please look for Sasaki and you go get Kotori to safe!" [/color] [h3]Ria vs Kaname[/h3] [color=0054a6] "I know now that I should kill you if I want to make Lord Miroslav's plans suffice. I will start by destroying everything you love and own here! Catch me if you can, little sister!"[/color] Ria is bewitched and doesn't hold back. She disappears by vibrating her molecules into an air moisture like state and wreaks havoc in District 7. Blowing up everything and freezing at sight. Somewhere... Daphne watches the news. "What happened to you Ria?" It didn't take long as news reports about Ria terrorizing the city spreads. In Anderson Household a news of it is showed. [color=00a651]"So Jistudan. Got any plans?"[/color] Eita asks Anderson upon seeing Ria wreak havoc. [h3]A shocking revelation and twist of fates. Who is Lord Miroslav and what is he after?[/h3] [h1][color=0072bc]"Now then little sister. The revolution begins and every blood spilled will be your blood like a sacrificial lamb!"[/color]Ria(Bewitched) vs Kaname[/h1] [b]Kaname, what are you going to do? It is up to you. The fate of Academy City and Nishihara Wendy lies in your hands.[/b] [@Kyun] [@Grey] [@NarayanK] [@Suku] [@Saltwater Thief] [@ClocktowerEchos]