Brooke waited in silence. For the longest moment, she was afraid Olivia would simply disregard her 'order' and tell her to shove off. Honestly, the woman had no plan on how to react. All she knew was that she had to get Olivia out of here. It was breaking protocol, but when Brooke ventured into the city as her orders dictated, she wanted to go in with the knowledge of her little sister being far from the contaminated zone. The riots hadn't reached the barricades yet, but experience told her desperate people resorted to desperate measures. She'd been on the receiving end far too many times. Even instigated some herself to complete her objective. The things she did to preserve her country's freedom. It'd make the common man swoon. Watching the family Olivia stood protectively in front of, Brooke wished there was something she could do for them. However, trying to get her sister out of line and expedited out of the city was already breaking so many regulations she could hardly keep them straight. The families that had gathered were simply unfortunate. No doubt some of them had better jobs than her, Brooke was in a position to do something here. For once, it wasn't wealth that was going to save these people but connections. In a better situation, she would've simply laughed at the middle-upper to upper class. Now? She felt sorry for them. They lost everything after all. Their lives, their homes. When the goodbyes were exchanged, Brooke reached over and grabbed her sister by the arm firmly as she led her away. "Your sister is here. The matter she's attending to is classified," Brooke said. It was odd to talk about herself in the third person. It'd have to do until they were safely out of sight. "We issued an early extraction for families of the DCD. Did a vehicle not come for you? When the germs hit, you should've been track down and taken far from here." Nodding to a soldier, Brooke ignored his perplexed look as he resumed his patrol. The woman had already weaved together an alibi should they be stopped. Olivia was a person of interest that her superiors wanted to talk to. It was a very unstructured lie, but did the soldiers know any better? Her circle hardly told them a thing as they operated. As long as she flashed her badge, they let her be. If they gave her trouble, she reminded them who she reported to. Opening a tent at the edge of the compound, Brooke looked around. It was empty - thank goodness. Leading the way towards a desk, she sat Olivia down as she quickly disabled the respirator. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, she looked on her sister with a mixture of emotions. Things had ended badly for them last time she spoke. They had a falling out, and that was that. Now? Brooke hardly cared about all the drama, the jealously, the arguments. She couldn't get through to her parents, and just having her kid sister alive was enough for her. "Liv," Brooke said as she sat across from her sister. A smile tugged her lips up as she took the younger Wilhelmsson in. "I thought they came for you. The cars. They told me they'd get you out of here. When you weren't at the drop off, I was worried. Have you heard from mom or dad? I couldn't get through. Were they with you?" Brooke chuckled ever so slightly as she sat back. She checked the time. She had to leave soon. Such terrible timing this reunion was. "I can't stay for long," she said as she reached over and grabbed Olivia's hand that rested on the table. She gave it a gentle squeeze. "I need you to get as far away from here as you can. I'm sorry I haven't called or anything. I hope you're still not angry at me? Even if you are, it was good to see you again. Your big sister's on the job. I'll fix things up and come find you. I promise."