[center][h2][color=Red]Lee Kyger-Ifrit[/color][/h2][/center] [b]Outside Cleveland Metroparks Zoo[/b] Everything slowed down in Lee's head as he flew through the air. He watched in awe as a dragon flew over him and right to the blue guy to help him out. It was pretty amazing to see such a sight, a dragon was here in Cleveland. He was not the only transforming human here in the city. Maybe he could make friends with a person who under stood what it was like to become something, that was not human. Despite that fact that every Meta human was basically not human, he was meta human, that was never really a human to begin with. Lee shook head and focused on the task at hand. His target was the animal lady, if he could at least knock her unconscious, the animal would be free. But that posed as a problem also, if the animals were freed from her grip, they would run wild. Another approach would have to be taken to protect the citizens of the city. "Think, think!" Lee mumbled to himself in fusturation, what should he do, how could he do it? He was thrown from his thoughts when he a ball of blue energy whipped past his head. "What the hell." He mumbled as he dodged more and more blue balls of energy. He quickly realized that it was the armor girl, she was protecting the lady, why? She was probably convinced by the lady to help free the animals. How could she have been so naive? She could not just send animal roaming the streets of Cleveland because she wanted to free them. It was a process that took time, by giving animal food, they could have lost there instincts and kills to hunt, or live in the wild, they needed to do this calmly and carefully if they wanted to save these animals. "Stop!" he yelled as he came to a halt above them. He slowly descended with his hands in the air, he needed to talk to her. Once he landed he become human again, all traces of his fire gone. "We need to discuss this in a calm manor, think about what she is doing, sending animals rampaging down the streets of Cleveland is unreasonable. There is such better way to go about this, but anything but her way, have her send the animals back to the zoo. You could buy the zoo or something, and go from there." He explained calmly, hopefully she would see reason.