[center][color=7bcdc8][H1][color=fdc68a]The Primal One[/color][/H1][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/996307635b688c5e1b1f138e4bef68c9/tumblr_nseyq33KiK1uwigo9o2_r1_400.png[/img] [/color][/center] [color=7bcdc8][color=fdc68a][b]Verse:[/b][/color] Sympan. [b]Storyline:[/b] Primal Infection- Mark of the Citadel [color=fdc68a][b]Power Level:[/b][/color] Powered [b][color=fdc68a]Full Name:[/color][/b] Taro Alric [color=fdc68a][b]Pronunciation:[/b][/color] ([i]Tare-oh Ale-rick[/i]) [color=fdc68a][b]Nickname/Alias:[/b][/color] He has had no use for them. His current name was originally an Alias for his True identity which he does not recognize. Liam Aristol. [color=fdc68a][b]Meaning:[/b][/color] Taro means '[i]strong, heroic, masculine[/i]' [color=fdc68a][b]Origin:[/b][/color] When he was given the name Taro, it was done so out of Irony and in attempt to hide his true identity, being that the name Taro was usually reserved for first born sons. He was the 7th and youngest son of his father's kin. [color=fdc68a][b]Title:[/b][/color] He holds no Titles. [color=fdc68a][b]Pet Name:[/b][/color] He isn't around people enough to be given pet names. The closest he gets is simply 'Boy', often from random strangers he comes across. He hates being called it though. [color=fdc68a][b]ID Number:[/b][/color] N/A [color=fdc68a][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=fdc68a][b]Gender Role:[/b][/color] Masculine [color=fdc68a][b]Orientation:[/b][/color] Pansexual [b][color=fdc68a]Real Age:[/color][/b] 16 [color=fdc68a][b]Age Appearance:[/b][/color] Anywhere from 13-16 [b][color=fdc68a]Birthday: [/color][/b] The 7th Day of Third Moon, 1076th Planetary Cycle. [b][color=fdc68a]Deathday:[/color][/b] N/A [color=fdc68a][b]Birthplace:[/b][/color] Aristol, Golipne - Skysk [color=fdc68a][b]Home:[/b][/color] The Citadel - Eastern Region - Sympan [color=fdc68a][b]Astrological Sign:[/b][/color] The Dark Star [color=fdc68a][b]Species:[/b][/color] Some would consider him Human. Other's would call him something else. [color=fdc68a][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/color] Caucasian native of Sympan [color=fdc68a][b]Blood Type:[/b][/color] ZA - Similar to an A Blood type, but has very different properties from a standard Bloodtype. Classified as Z. Non-Traditional Blood. [color=fdc68a][b]Preferred Hand:[/b][/color] Right Handed [color=fdc68a][b]Facial Type:[/b][/color] Inverted Triangle [color=fdc68a][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Various shades of brown. [color=fdc68a][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Brown [color=fdc68a][b]Hairstyle:[/b][/color] Short Cut [color=fdc68a][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/color] Fair white [color=fdc68a][b]Body Type:[/b][/color] Mesomorph [color=fdc68a][b]Height:[/b][/color] 28.8 Inches [color=fdc68a][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 20.5 lbs [color=fdc68a][b]Facial Hair: [/b][/color] None. [color=fdc68a][b]Shoe Size:[/b][/color] 5 Boys US [color=fdc68a][b]Birthmarks/scars:[/b][/color] None. [color=fdc68a][b]Distinguishing Features:[/b][/color] Black Tribal like marks across the eyes. [color=fdc68a][b]Voice:[/b][/color] Treble [color=fdc68a][b]Reputation:[/b][/color] No Reputation among others [color=fdc68a][b]Organizations/Affiliations:[/b][/color] No Affiliations [b][color=fdc68a]Personality:[/color][/b] Taro is traditionally very pensive, though there a quite a few things that excite him. He is not fond of fighting so much as he is of examining the styles and techniques of others. He enjoys meeting new people, and Humans in particular. He has a passion for Human lifestyles and ancient Human culture in particular. If he wasn't where he was in his life, he's probably enjoy being an archaeologist or some collector of old stuff. He is a lover of people, though he is very cautious of them. He dislikes rude or arrogant people, and at the end of the day prefers the silence of only a small company of trusted few. He enjoys classic rock and pop music. He's very playful, with humans in particular. Though, he can become serious very quick. He has many aspirations for his future and ponders on them often, but doesn't like to discuss them, because he doesn't feel like they are possible. [b][color=fdc68a]Origins:[/color][/b] The Origins of Taro are shrouded in Mystery. This Incarnation of him is the Bastard son of The Patheon God of Sympan. He doesn't speak to much of his family outside his Father's humble servant, the Swordsman Musashi. However, unbeknown to Taro, this is one of many of his incarnations, presumably created by or as a result of the Citadel. There are some ancient Cults that believe Taro was one of the Heroes who sought to take down the Citadel in ancient times and failed, instead, becoming a servant of it. Those who have watched him throughout is incarnations attribute his fondness for Human Culture to this. Since his time with the Citadel, he has become one of the most recognized of the Citadel's incarnated heroes, and most increased in terms of power. Usually coming toward the end of an Era, arriving after many of the other incarnations, as a precursor to great destruction within the universe. The last time he had arrived, nearly half the universe was wiped away in the opening of the Primordial Gates. This Incarnation is different though, as he is reported as one of the first of the incarnations to appear, rather than last. Many Cults across the Multiverse seek to have him destroyed as he tends to be a omen. He is also associated with the White Dragon Snake, Apophis. Many of the Incarnations are associated with Animals, but Apophis is the most prevalent one throughout history. Early on, Taro's associated animal was said to be something different. No one is quite sure where or when the snake arrived in the picture. [b][color=fdc68a]Equipment:[/color][/b] [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b][color=fdc68a]Skills/Combat:[/color][/b] [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b][color=fdc68a]Powers/Abilities:[/color][/b] [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [b]?:[/b] Unkown [/color]