Once the birds had dissipated from the kid she found him absent from the fight. "Typical," Grace rolled her eyes and moved on to the next person, which was going to be the Iron Suit from earlier but found that she had the wolf problem well in hand. Maybe too much, as the wolves were now dead. Grace made a silent prayer that she didn't have to pay for damages later, because she'd be in both trouble and debt. Focusing back on the fight, she noticed the Suit -Grace decided that since she didn't know the person's codename it would be best to call them Suit- start helping Mama Bear. Grace started making small cages for some of the loose animals and shifting the ones she could into the pens. It was a little extinguishing but if she could limit Mama Bear's influence by even a little bit... that was when she noticed the fire hero guy getting shot at. Grace dropped the wall she had been working on and put up another one between the guy and Suit. Of course another hero had to show up -Eradicator, if the news images were right- and start a moral debate with Mama Bear. "I agree, most zoos try for a decent enclosure for their animals. However," Grace grunted in effort as she threw the Earth Wall in front of the fire hero toward Suit and Mama Bear, "can we save this until later? And agree that the Suit over there is a dumbass? Like seriously, Mama Bear is poor as a train traveling hobo. [i]I'm somehow richer than her,[/i] which let me tell you, is a miracle these days." "Also, just gonna say that she smells," Grace said, taking a moment to leave a quip, "like a zoo." [i]I'm not half bad at this superhero banter,[/i] Grace thought as she caught her breath.