[b]BEACHWOOD PLACE MALL[/b] Uprising's eyes rolled up into his head as he collapsed to the floor, unconscious. In the main area of the mall, the clones (included those dead and wounded on the floor) abruptly disappeared, their weapons clattering loudly to the floor. Unfortunately, the clones had been the sole means of support for thirty hostages being dangled over balconies. With shouts of surprise, they abruptly began to fall twenty-five feet towards the hard marble floors below. Some of the younger and fitter hostages managed to grab railings and save themselves, but the majority were too shocked to do anything besides fall. The heroes would have to move quickly. [b]CLEVELAND METROPARKS ZOO[/b] Most people would be suspicious or at least surprised when their adversary suddenly joins their side, but Mama Bear had long since accepted her own righteousness and simply nodded. She pointed to Drake and Ifrit. “My babies don't like fire,” she said calmly. Seeing that Pulsecat was taking on Ifrit, Mama Bear raised her massive rifle and let off two armor-piercing rounds at Drake. The solidly-built woman barely felt the recoil from the huge gun. Underneath Frankenstein, the thrashing, foaming elephant finally stopped struggling and trying to buck him off. Slowly, the massive animal slid to the ground, unconscious. Mama Bear's army wasn't quite done with him yet, though. Ridiculously, the zoo's numerous penguins and puffins swarmed out of the smashed doors of the penguin house, swarming over Frankenstein with their wet bodies. Other, flying birds turned their attention to Quake. Along with hundreds of mosquitoes, hornets, and other stinging insects, they attacked any part of her that wasn't protected by clothing. Eradicator, for his part, was soon confronted by two growling brown bears, alongside a five-foot tall kangaroo. Despite the overwhelming logic of his arguments, Mama Bear was determined to fight to the end. [b]WYOMING STREET[/b] “We're Greek, moron!” Ajax yelled as he deftly caught the ball of acid on his shield. The acid smoked and fumed, but eating through the chemically treated shield was a slow process- it would take a few minutes at least. The two brothers leaped into action as the thugs sprayed gunfire their way. While Ajax caught the bullets on his shield, Teucer took cover behind a parked car before letting off a carefully aimed arrow. The arrow landed in the midst of Acid Striker and his men, then suddenly began to let off a piercing, disorienting high-pitched noise. Ajax, his helmet providing protection against this noise, waded into the stunned men. One was smashed aside with a sweep of the mighty shield, another was kicked in the gut and thrown to the ground. Down the road, Teucer began to notch another arrow, this one fitted with an anesthetic, carefully aiming for Acid Striker.