Drake was about to smash into Mama Bear, but the villain managed to fire off two shots at him and the weapon was strong enough to do some damage as the bullets tore into his scaly hide. He gave a cry of pain and veered off to the side to avoid being possibly hit with more bullets. The pain made his rage become more extreme and his bodily flames blazed more intensely. Without thinking too much of the damage it would cause, Drake released a jet of fire from his mouth that shot straight towards Mama Bear and paid no head that Danny was going in for an against the villain, Drake was focused on taking down this pathetic metahuman who had dared attack him. "I will burn you!" he shouted furiously and he flew at her. If Mama Bear tried to dodge his fiery breath then he would smash into her and tear into the villain with his claws. Normally he would think through his actions more, but the injury had made him give into his rage and now he was acting more upon instinct, he was focused on taking down his enemy.