As Uprising fell, before the Prime even hit the ground, Phoenix was already running out of the store. As soon as she breached the door, she took off into the air. Having seen that one of the other superheroes had the ability to manipulate and control the air like a puppet, she operated on the hope that the girl would have the sense to somehow save the majority of the falling hostages. Taking in the situation as soon as her eyes fell onto the area, Phoenix flew towards those furthest from the girl with the powers of the wind, and caught six of the hostages falling. Each of the victims she saved fell on her wings as she flew by, weighing her down, and causing her to have to land after only being able to soften the landing of six. Landing on all fours, with her back parallel to the ground, she suspended her wings flat as a platform, a few feet off the ground. She spoke to them gently, though her voice sounded a bit pained, as it took great effort to keep her wings upright with the weight of three people on each. "One of you, call an ambulance. Those that didn't get saved by me or the other heroes will need medical attention. You, though, come with me." Once they were off, she collapsed her wings onto the ground. Folding them into her back, she made her way back over to the store where Uprising Prime had passed out. The civilian followed, a little girl with braces, mesmerized by the angelic wings. Phoenix knelt down, and began to feel his body for injuries, cataloguing them in her head. She turned to the little girl, whose face was full of fright and fear. Not knowing whether it was the trauma which had led to this, or the fact that she looked absolutely terrifying in her armor to someone so young, Phoenix raised the mask of her helmet. The girl was standing across from the body of Uprising, against the wall, so only she could see Rose's face- proving that Rose was human, just like the girl. She offered the girl a gentle smile, hoping that would make the girl a bit less scared. "It's alright, little one. I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to get everyone to safety, including the bad man. Can you do me a favor, and call 911, and get them to send a police escorted ambulance to pick up this man?" Handing the girl a burner cell from her pocket, she turned the man's body over, and pulled the belt off of his pants. Using it to temporarily bind his hands together, she slung his body over her shoulder fireman style, and stood. The little girl happily called 911, and turned to the wall. After telling them what Phoenix had asked her, albeit with a lisp, she turned back around to hand the phone back to Phoenix- she was already out of the store, mask lowered once more. Having grabbed a few of the extra strength climbing ropes from the display of the sports store the Prime had been thrown into, Phoenix tied him up more carefully, gingerly making sure not to exacerbate any of his injuries any further. She stood straight, standing guard by the body, until a security guard hustled over to her, and offered to take the body for her. Thanking the guard, Phoenix obliged, and began walking towards the other superheroes, who had just made their debut. She aimed to talk to Tess- it was always a good idea to encourage young Caught to develop their abilities, and to offer them protection, but it was more important to her to make sure the girl knew that her own safety should be her first priority. Protecting the people should not be a person that young's job.