Upon hearing of this project, Elizabeth had been unimpressed by the whole endeavor. The thought of being forced to engage in extended correspondence with one of her peers only resulted in her cringing. She couldn't help but observe a lack of any meaningful original thought being expressed among these cultural plebians. However, it was not as if she had much choice in the matter. Indeed, she had none at all. She filled out the form with an earnestness and a impetuousness that surprised herself. Elizabeth quickly turned in the form. This project was going to occupy a great deal of her own time, time which Elizabeth would instead prefer to dedicated to her own writings. In a purely hypothetical scenario, Elizabeth would not so greatly be burdened by a collection of correspondence with someone who possessed as much wit and erudition as herself. Sadly, wallowing in her own intellect, Elizabeth had been utterly disappointed with the status of her classmates' minds. Elizabeth hoped that this would be worth her time at least a little bit, but she figured there was a scant chance of that to ever happen. She simply returned to her desk. Her peers felt an intense dislike of Elizabeth, on which I could clearly trace to their negative reaction to my acerbic snark. Elizabeth saw a definite in that she would remain alone here if I simply remained. Thus, I decided that I would take my sandwich and leave. It was, after all, preferable to wander outside than to shiftlessly remain here with a bored expression.