Kei'taro watched, from a far distance, the descent of his adversary, into the depths of the water they were tasked with exploring and gatehring from. The Penguin, clever as the Mountain Goat, had chosen a match that greatly benefited him when it counted. Come to think of it, all the animals had. Here he was, making his way to the bottom with a Leopard Seal hot on his tail, when something astounding caught his eye. Pongo was fighting off several of the creatures of the deep, masterfully swimming and dodging, gracefully attacking the creatures. Kei'taro himself wasn't too far off now, and turned just before the Seal had grabbed him. He expertly swam around the creature as it turned, but it too was reaching the depths of it's underwater capabilities. Kei'taro spied this, and something further on. More creatures were gathering, and preparing to strike, and they too noticed the suffering seal - a fitting meal. Kei'taro, forsaking the match as it were, darted beneath the Seal just as it were about to dive too deep to return. As he pushed the Seal upward, the Orcas shot past him with a vigor he had not seen since the falling snow of an avalanche. The seal was nearly captured, but Kei'taro pushed upward and forced the lead Orca upward, taking the attention of them all. This was probably a mistake, as the orca pushed back and began nosing Kei'taro into the depths. The rest joined the hunt, and in their famous rolling wave formation, they began helping the lead orca take their new prey down into the clear depths. Something amazing then did happen, even underwater the sound of a angry seal pierced the crystal waters and Orca were sent scattering. The seal, once hunting Kei'taro and perhaps still inclined to do so, burst into the circle, risking life and fin to help his savior. One Orca was bludgeoned to death by the immense weight, and another lost a flipper. Kei'taro could only watch as the Seal bravely fought off the orcas. A tear in his eye, he sent positive vibes to the Seal, and turned. He was at the bottom now, and a squid happened to swim past him. He lashed out with incredible reflexes and grabbed the creature. Twisting about, he saw the warming stones and quickly approached them, taking one in his mouth and depositing the other. Now settled on the bottom, he pushed off with both legs, angling himself towards the half mile out giant floe that was the finish line. Just as he settled into his pace, something impossibly large, black and white shot past him - headed for Pongo, the Emperor Penguin and King of the Southern Floes. It took Kei'taro all he had to grasp the large dorsal fin and catch the ride. His breathing was being challenged, and the tell-tale signs of the bends were coming. His joints ached from more than just exertion. A lesser man might have felt the full brunt, but Kei'taro had been submerged before. His breathing slowed, the excruciating exhale. Uthur, the aforementioned gigantic Orca, barely noticed the human upon his fin, but his immortal nemesis and the holder of the Frost Key, the only key in the Southern Floes aside from the legendary High Powered Ice Key, held by Koke-Kain, the Polar Bear, to avoid the Key of the underwater depths. Today, he would have his revenge.