[@datadogie] Hunter wouldn't react too the comment, even with the belt fed machine gun pointed to him. "Do not play with that thing, fire arm safety rule one, do not point a fire arm at a person unless you plan to use it on them." He looked up and made eye contact with Belle and held up a small mechanism. "Plus the gun wont fire with out this, the firing mechanism is electric, this is more or less a sub trigger to keep the belt shooting." He went back to reading until Belle mentioned being out of the loop. He looked up confused. "Not much loop to be left out of, we are short on food, water, bullets are fine for now but not sure for how long, gas is... low enough we may have to ditch the Tanker, maybe a few other cars, we really only need a few with the amount of people we have..." He smiled for a second. "Now for the British thing, don't worry about it, we have a German doctor, a mostly Irish guy, U.S. Soldiers, and an old guy from Texas, and a British air force pilot." He sighed. "Now about the apartment... I get it, you had a job, and personally I could give two craps about what you did before, you pull your weight here so who cares." He would go back to reading the map. "And most of us have had to do some bad things to survive." He looked at the machine gun. "Now back to important issues, DO not play with the machine gun. I want to be able to trust I wont accidental get my head blown off if I put the firing mechanism back in. Also we may need to go on a scavenging run, we accidentally took a wrong road and we lost some time (Read the wrong map and is trying to correct it). We will be out of water in a few days, food shortly after that. There's a small town not far from here that we can check out, should have what we need to get going again."