[quote=@Awson] True. Well, that wraps up that little exchange. Phe-w...wait what? Your opinion on how close to the truth the thing you said actually is doesn't really matter to what I said. You spend less time on the internet than you used to. When someone starts doing less of something they did before and then starts telling other people that they do the same thing too much themselves, it can come off as masturbatory (or some other negative adjective of your choice) and somewhat hypocritical. You know what I mean though, right? In general? Even if you disagree with what I'm saying about you? Not relevant. I'm not trying to do anything. I pointed out what I saw as an amusing ... inconsistency. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or even say that you were wrong. This is just what people do on the internet. Point out things. Even if it's a stretch. [/quote] Oh good lord what did i get myself into. First of all, you don't know how much time i spend on the internet, you know how much i post on here. Second of all i didnt ask for all your psychoses to flood out, merely that you keep your inaccurate bullshit away from me. You're usually guilty of what you accuse other people of doing. And no, i dont. If someone wants to program someone through torture because they don't like their hobbies (because of ridiculous shit they see online), then they are online too much. It's a simple observation. I realize now that I've taken the bait, but hey, you were running out of fodder for your bitter comments so I'm being generous.