[h2]7 AM: Music Room[/h2] [@Kirah] [@Treepuncher121] [@CodeZX] [@Feisty-Pants] [@SheriffLlama] Promptly at 7 AM, Samantha Wellington arrived at Northwood. She had a cup of coffee in one hand, and a bag full of music in the other. She went straight to the Music room/ theater, and opened it up. Everything was still set up as she had left it the day before. Good. There had been years that she had arrived on the first day and found the theater a mess. She set down the bag of music and started sorting out the parts. She had special plans for Miss Marino, considering Ash usually cut her class at least once to thrice a week. She had already made arrangements with Miss Standiford for when Ash was caught in Home EC. She waited for the students to arrive, since at this point they had about fifteen minutes till class started. She knew some would show up late, like Ash, but some would come early. Ben and his sister Marie were usually among the ones to first show up, since she was the counselor for both of them. She ran down the list and saw a few new names and smiled. It was always lovely to have freshmen in her class. A breath of fresh air. Samantha noticed a few students file in early, and smiled to herself as she watched them enter. One of the other students who was often early walked in just in that moment. Easily recognizable by the fiery texture of her hair, Elizabeth was the lead violinist for the school’s band. Though often of the mischievous sort outside of this class, it seemed she had taken on a bit of pride being the First Seat for such a string instrument. In she strode with feline grace, and upon her prized seat did she arrive. Resting upon her lap was a case of which popped open to reveal beautifully polished wood and string, of which she silently and knowingly tuned her instrument for the beginning of the year. It was well expected that the Calebs siblings walked in together, both of them carrying their own instruments. As per usual, Ben carried his guitar on his back, but he also toted a cajon in his right hand. Unlike her brother, Madison only carried her guitar. [color=Magenta]"Good morning Mrs. Wellington."[/color] the girl said, smiling in her usual shy manner. "Good Morning, Marie." Samantha responded with a kind smile. The process was repeated with the older sibling, but Ben had a slightly more enthusiastic tone of voice. He followed his sister and they both sat down, pulling out their instruments and beginning to tune them. While Marie was good, Ben was uncanny. His skill and versatility with instruments was unlike any other that Northwood had ever set eyes upon, and left Samantha rather impressed at times. While most loved his guitar playing in the courtyard, including Sam, it was well-known that he could hold his own with a violin (though not quite at the caliber as could Elizabeth), and many other instruments. Glen walked in after another few moments of waiting, looking a little frazzled, but that was somewhat common on the first day of school. He seemed to perk up a little at seeing other people, nodding to them and giving a wave to everyone in the class. [color=ff9122]"Mornin', everyone."[/color] He stated simply, going to his drums and giving them a once-over, likely to get used to the set again after a summer of either not practicing at all or (hopefully) practicing on a different set of drums. Glen had been a pretty decent student the previous year, only occasionally late after a night of (presumed) intense study, but he'd proven able to handle the drums well, though he took some time to learn a given piece. Samantha gave him a wave as she waited for the rest to show up. Ash was nearly the last student to wander in. She carried nothing with her as her only instrument was her voice. It was a surprise for her to show up, she wasn't ditching to bother Jamie in Home EC. A new face walked into the room, following quickly behind Ash. Sam couldn't place the the face with any of the students she recognized. A freshman perhaps? She watched as the kid looked around the room. He seemed to not know where to sit. The new face made his way to the back row, behind most the people. Sam noticed him slightly sigh, waiting for the bell to ring. [h2]7:30AM[/h2] Once all the students had finally arrived, and the bell rung Samantha started taking roll. She went down the list, and called names. As she went past Ben and Madison she gave them a small wave. She paused when she got to a new name, Kiddo Ray. She noticed the new kid in the back said "Here," and raised his hand. So Kiddo. She made a mental note of him. It was hard for Freshmen at times, but she would make the time for him. She called Elizabeth's name and smiled at her first violinist. [color=f6989d]"Here, Mrs. Wellington,"[/color] Elizabeth cheerfully chimed in with a whimsical tune from her lips. Samantha nodded and moved on with roll. She would soon hit a pause when she got to Arro Jenkins. "Arro?" No answer. "Arro?" Still no answer. She didn't see the girl. "Has anyone seen Arro?" [color=ff9122]"Not yet. Haven't seen her since last year."[/color] Glen replied. "Thank you Glen... I guess I'll go look for her later," Samantha said with a sigh. Maybe her roommate had already reported her missing? Maybe she was in the nurse’s office? Who knew. Sam went back to the roll, calling out Glen's name and then eventually Ash's. Ash just waved her hand at the teacher, and Sam sighed. "Alright, so as some of you may know, I'm Mrs. Wellington. Welcome to music!" She said. The class went well from there, with Samantha helping those who didn't have instruments pick out one, and also assigned a solo part to Ash, much to the student's[i] delight[/i], she was sure. Once class was over for the day, Samantha picked up the roll sheet and decided to see if she could find Arro. After a fruitless search of her dorm room and the nurse’s office, she went to the Headmistresses’ office and knocked on the door. “Come in.” Samantha walked in and looked at Emma Standiford. “We might have a small problem Headmistress. Arro Jenkins is missing. She missed music this morning, and when I went looking for her, she was no where to be found. I also wanted to talk to Natali Valkyrie, but her second period teacher said she was missing as well,” Sam said with a concerned look on her face. “Yeah, I heard from Ms. Reese that she wasn’t in Swimming.” Samantha heard the headmistress make a noise that sounded like she was thinking. “I don’t like that two students are missing. Honestly I don’t like any students missing, but two in the same day is quite disturbing. I’ll have Dr. Mann look around and see if he sees any sign of the girls.” “Thank you Headmistress. I do hope they are found soon,” she said, clutching the roll sheet as well. Both Arro and Natali were missing? This was too much like last year for Samantha’s tastes. “I will leave you to your duties. Thank you for hearing me out,” she said and nodded to Emma before leaving.