[h3]Marie Calebs 9:00, Main Hall/Headmistress’ Office - Headmistress[/h3] Marie walked the hallway towards the Gym, but she first had a stop to make. She’d felt it as soon as she stepped out of Ben’s truck yesterday. Something felt, odd… different. The first year she’d come to Northwood, she’d been distraught to find out that there were certain places in the campus she couldn’t shadow-walk - Essentially, anywhere in the main hall. But this year - this year was different… When she’d gone down for breakfast, she’d felt something strange, disturbing even. The shadows seemed to be pulled her towards them. It was as if she could hear small whispers around her - like the voice of a phantom the roamed the hall. At first she’d assumed it was just her jitters from the first day of school… but then it’d happened again. When she and Ben had left the cafeteria to go to music, she’d done something without trying - her hand began to dissolve into the shadows of the walls. Ben had acted quickly - he’d covered her up while she forced her hand back to normal. She’d gotten out of it - but something was stuck in her head: a sense of pure fear. It had played at her mind throughout all of music class, and she’d been slightly distracted. She’d made up her mind to go to the headmistress and speak to her about it. Instead of exiting the main hall, she turned a corner and found her way to the headmistress’ door. She timidly approached it and gave three soft knocks. “Come in.” The headmistress’ voice came from the other side of the room. It was plain enough, occupied by a desk, a couple cabinets, and a guest chair. Marie strode to this chair but didn’t sit just yet. “How can I help you Miss. Calebs?” “Morning, Ms Standiford.” She began, sitting in the seat. “I- well.. this morning, I was walking to breakfast and I felt something a little… odd.” She said, not sure how else to describe it. “To do with your ability?” The younger woman nodded in response. “Y-yes, Ma’am… I - well, normally I can’t use them in the main hall…” She shifted slightly in her seat. “But… this morning, I felt - well, the opposite. I felt attracted to the shadows by the wall, like - like they wanted me to walk into them…” A flash of something crossed the Headmistress’ face. “That is new.” She frowned. “And vexing. Thank you for telling me Miss. Calebs.” “W-well, I- I also…” She fumbled with her words. “When my brother and I were going to music.. uh - my hand… dissolved into the shadows without my intention. Of course, I suppose it could’ve been the fact that I’m not a master of my ability yet, but it felt like it had to be somehow connected to the feeling I got this morning.” “Noted.” Her lips pursed with what may have been worry. “Please feel free to come to me if you notice a change in this. It gets stronger or lasts longer.” “Of course, Ma’am.” She nodded meekly and rose. With that, she turned and walked towards the door. As she walked towards the exit of the main hall, she felt tempted to try it - to try and walk into the shadows. She opted not to until she felt more comfortable. Marie continued walking, exiting the building and heading towards the gymnasium.