Jackmier watched as Striker strolled up and leaned next to him, giving a crude remark on his less than redeemable partaking in morphine and ether. Jackmier was open about his drug and alcohol intake, there was no point in hiding it. However, despite his rising annoyance, he kept his cocky smirk. "Aye, a nice shot of morphine is something I haven't had in awhile, nor have you I take it." He shot back, giving a larger grin towards Striker before continuing. "And in my opinion, machines are just humans with oil for blood, if I can fix blood clots I can fix an engine." He pushed himself off the Ambulance and began unbuttoning his grey pinstripe jacket, if he was going to work on the charred remains of the Ambulance's engine, he was certainly not scuffing up his attire. "If you all want to get to that little town, I highly recommend you start moving now while the sunlight is on our side. Plus maybe some quiet will give me the focus I need to fix this damned machine." He stated flatly as he removed his tie, placing it on the hood of the Ambulance with his jacket. Upon looking into the innards of the Ambulance the charred rotting hand came right into view... It was beautiful, the ashy, jagged lines of destroyed flesh, the once separated fingers coming together through melting heat and fusing into a singular black entity. It was the inevitable decay of death, mixed with the fires of modern technology... Art forged in flame. He couldn't help but give a grin as he scanned the rest of the engine. "The engine itself is intact, it's mostly overheating due to the zed's hand taking in heat that would normally be leaving the engine. It'll take a few hours, but I can safely remove it and keep the engine together probably. Only issue is I'm not entirely sure if we even have a full toolbox at this point."