When his vision cleared, the labcoat (now labcoat-less) realized his internal gyroscope was screaming for help. He made an instinctive movement with his feet, landed on one of them, and after a moment of precarious balance rolled backwards over his shoulder and rose to his feet. After a few seconds of surveying his surroundings he became aware of an internal struggle - namely his stomach trying to get rid of his lunch. He focused, fighting for control, and won (The lunch was, against all odds, quite good at the time). He then took a moment to see if his limbs, and then his organs, were all accounted for. Teleportation made no sense, but it somehow left him healthy. He [i]must[/i] run some test on that woman! Where was she, anyway? The cargo pants walked around Ryan to find him holding the limp body of his sister in his hands. Chris rubbed his hands. [color=aqua]"Give her some room. I'm a doctor."[/color] He said while kneeling in front of Cassie. He hoped Edith would react to it slowly enough for him to get a check-up done. His hand reached out gingerly and touched the girl's forehead. [i]Scanning for superficial neurosignals...[/i]