Because it's not like I have an exam I'm underprepared for in three hours: here's the sheet. [hr] [h3]Sheet:[/h3] I really can't accommodate more than six players, so I'm going to choose people based on the sheets they send me, because that seems to be the only fair way. I'm still tweaking things in my mind, so feel free to be perhaps a [i]little[/i] more general in the specifics of the sheet than you might otherwise be inclined to be. If you have any questions about the RP that you simply must ask before you broach the sheet, ask away. It would be really really really unbelievably great if I could get all of the sheets in by Friday/Saturday, because we can't really move on until we know who we're moving on with. [hider=Sheet]Here’s the sheet: [b]PM this to me, and do not post it in the OoC[/b]. You can change and tweak and resubmit your sheet as often as you like until you have posted in the IC for the first time. This is the canon cutoff. The point of the sheet is to establish to me, even if not publicly, the limits of your character, as well as to tailor the game’s details to the cast. Therefore, if you decide you’d like a wrench halfway through the game and didn’t include it in here, you ain’t getting one unless I’m generous enough to put one in the environment around you. As a general rule, I’m not going to interfere in any element of your character sheet, especially if I’m asked my opinion on what you ‘should’ do. Please note that the RP takes place in the UK, and the sheet will point out if that's relevant to you or not. [noparse][b]Murderer/Innocent[/b] (delete as applicable, though I can’t guarantee you will get to be murderer) [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] (please choose your actual nationality. At the very least, please don’t pretend to be British, because I [i]will[/i] notice if you don’t write in British English (especially dialogue) and it [i]will[/i] break my heart! It may then be worth thinking, assuming at least some of you will not be British, about why you came to be in the UK: are you an immigrant? Have you popped over specially to comply with Mr. Jig’s instructions? Something else? Think about this for your backstory.) [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Dirty Little Secret:[/b] (what has Mr. Jig found out that he’s going to blackmail you over? And why is it so serious that you feel threatened by this?) [b]Expectations:[/b] (what are you planning to do when you meet Mr. Jig? Acquiesce? Bargain? Kill him?) [b]Inventory:[/b] (things you bring with you to meet Mr. Jig, including any weapons, noteworthy clothes, etcetera. There won’t be any opportunity to change these, and you may not ‘suddenly have’ any useful item not listed to me here. If you are the murderer, it would probably make sense to bring a weapon The rest of the sheet is up to you, though I would like at least a reasonably detailed backstory connected to your dirty little secret and an indication of temperament.[/noparse][/hider]