[b][u]Character by Emma[/u][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/brt8BXx.jpg?1[/img] Full Name: Alice Susanna Keller Nickames/Alias/AKA: Names she has used throughout the years - Alyssa Henry, Claudia Dover, Susan Wilson, and Willa Conner. Age: 95 Gender: Female DOB: 24th, May 1920 - in Berlin Germany. Occupation: Head of the language department at Gringore Academy. Race: Vampire (Turned at age 24) Hair Color: Light Medium Brown Eye Color: Chocolate brown Height and Build: 5'8" Tall, Slim, and Slender. Other Appearance: She always wears her daylight charmed [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9b/dc/3e/9bdc3ef511bf96e8fa899d8d1bccbaca.jpg]ring[/url]. Her voice is similar to the singers Priscilla Ahn. She is ambidextrous. She fidgets with her ring when she is anxious, or deep in thought. [hider=Super Long History] Alice was born into a middle-class Jewish family. Her father, Fred, was a pediatrician, extremely well educated, and well known among professional chess players. Her mother, Lucille, was a busy housewife, ex-teacher, and was originally from France. Alice grew up in Düsseldorf Germany, in a three-story house, along with her siblings Konrad, Wilhelmina, and Hugo. She was four years old when her sister Wilhelmina was born early, she was a small and sickly baby. Alice's whole family was raised bilingual, speaking German, and french. At her mother's urging Alice began acting at the age of six, playing small roles in local stage productions, and taking ballet classes. But what Alice really wanted was to learn to play violin. Luckily her parents agreed that everyone should know how to play an instrument and read music, so she was given her first violin when she was seven, just after her baby brother Hugo was born. She was mainly educated at home by her mother, and in Synagogue. She was instructed in the basics of formal education such as math, reading, and writing. She hated math to its core, but reading became her favorite. Her father sent her to a proper school when she turned 10, as he wanted all his children to have an education, so they could do what ever they wanted in life. Making friends outside her family, and neighborhood, she was a happy busy little girl. She stopped acting when she was eleven, as she decided to focus her time on the violin, which she had grown to love dearly. Her mother did insist that she keep up with ballet. Alice's dream was to one day to be a professional violinist, and composer, and she was well on her way. Outside school, church, and the violin, she began trying to write her own plays, making Hugo, and her friends put them on for their parents. In 1935 the anti-Semite, Adolf Hitlers came to power, and his reign started. Nuremberg Laws were adopted, and all Jews citizenship were withdrawn. Alice was 15, but luckily she had just been accepted on scholarship, to a private music school is France. And her parents saw this as a way out of Germany for her. Her mother had even arranged for Alice to stay in France with her brother, Eugene Lemery and his wife Claudia. Alice left home just before the start of the school year, and her her older brother Konrad came with to find work in England. Alice graduated in 1938. Her parents urged her not to come back to Germany, as things were just getting worse. So she stayed in France with the Lemery family, and started college, majoring in Music Theory, and English. After being away in France for almost three years, all she wanted was to see her family, but she pressed on. She became first chair violinist of her college orchestra, and began dating a young man named Henri Palissy. She was 20 years old in 1940 when France became occupied. Henri proposed to her later that year, and she accepted, they promised to marry when the war ended. Henri, her first love, best friend, and now fiance left to fight in the war in December that year. She withdrew from college and found work as a typist, making extra money, as to not be a burden on the Lemerys. Back in Germany her parents were quick to help their fellow Jews. Their three-story home become a place of refuge for dozens of Jewish people trying to find their way into hiding or out of Germany. Doctoring papers, and helping people get out became the focus of her parents, as she read in letters from them. Unfortunately her parents, Hugo, and Wilhelmina were found out and taken by the Nazis in late 1941. Her father died on the train journey to the death camp. Her sister Wilhelmina, was sent to the gas chambers on arrival at Auschwitz. Hugo and her mother were split up and made to do slave labor. Konrad was still in England working on ships, and around the docks in Portsmouth, sending money back to Germany for the family. The Holocaust had its claws into France, and in January 1942 Alice was caught and deported to a concentration camp in Poland. By some miracle her mother was also an inmate there. The reunion was short lived, as her mother explained that Wilhelmina and her father were dead, and she had only caught a glimps of Hugo five months ago, as he boarded a different train to god knows where. During Alice's time in the camp, she became an interpreter among the inmates, using her knowledge of different languages to help with communication. The death of her father, and sister along with the missing Hugo were almost to much to bare for Alice, and it was a miracle she lasted. In 1943 she developed pneumonia, and she was taken to the infirmary, were she basically had a week to get better or be sent to the gas chambers. In the middle of the night, two day before her week was up, her brother Konrad appeared, disguised as a Nazi soldier. Konrad had been looking for there family since he found out they had been deported in 1941. And he had found Alice's name by chance written on the infirmary list two days ago. He hadn't known she was missing, assume she was still in France. He was here to brake his family out, he quickly picked the dying Alice up out of bed, asking her where to find their parents and siblings, as he carried her gently outside. Through struggling breaths and painful coughs Alice explained that dad and Wilhelmina were dead, Hugo was missing, and their mom was the only one left. The next thing Alice remembered was waking up in a warm bed, with her mother asleep in the chair beside her. Konrad came in to the room, red rimmed eyes, he offered her some soup and water. He explained that once she was strong enough he was sending her and mother to England where his friend Alec Thomas, had a place for them; But he was going to stay behind to look for Hugo. Alice spent months recovering, all while trying to convince her mother and Konrad that she should stay to help find Hugo. Her weak argument were going nowhere, and in December of 1943, she and her mother left for England. On new years day they had made it to Mr.Thomas home in Dover England. Mr.Thomas was glad to see they had survived and opened his home to them. Their were two other families living there, including the Stuart, James and George, two mysterious brothers. Little did anyone know that the Stuart boys were actually Vampires. James was attractive, and charming, but also secretly a psychopath. He took immediate interest in Alice, for no other reason then her pretty face. But as the weeks pasted and he got to know her more, he became borderline obsessed with her, not that he would let anyone know that. George was quite, and stand offish, most of the time he just ignored everyone and spent his days locked in his room. Alice was polite to them, and grateful that Mr.Thomas took them in, but other then that she was only concerned with the war, Konrad safety, MIA Henri, and where Hugo was. She and her mother counted the days between letters received from Konrad in Germany, containing news on the search for Hugo, which was going nowhere. Do to the prolonged bout with pneumonia, and the malnutrition suffered from the camp, Alice's health would never be what it once was, and the scar tissue in her lungs didn't help. She developed asthma, and spent more days in poor health then not. Months past living in Mr.Thomas's home, all the while with James trying his charms on Alice, flirting, and Mr.Thomas seemed to be suffering from anemia. One night James tried to sneak a kiss, and Alice had finally had enough of him, so she abruptly, and venomously rejected him. James was enraged, he grabbed her by the hair, dragged her to the ground and bit her, drinking her blood as she kicked and hit him. But he kept on drinking her blood. She stopped fighting as the last of her blood was being sucked away, and she went limp. When James came down from fit of rage Alice laid near death on the ground in front of him, he laughed, and then started crying because he didn't want her dead forever, as a vampire everyone he knew seemed to die. So in his hysterics, the spur of the moment decision was made, and he fed her his own blood. June 1944 Alice died, and woke up a vampire. Chained to a wall, in some windowless room, she had no idea where she was. All she could think about what how thirsty she was, but not for water. She felt strange, different, and strong. She could hear and seeing things clearer then ever before. James showed up hours later, with an unconscious human man flung over his shoulder. He dropped him in front of her, and without a thought she bit the man, and drank every last drop of blood, effectively killing the poor guy. Not thirsty anymore, she looked up at James, blood smeared her lips, and she remembered how he attacked her. Her mind was rushing a millions miles a minute, think so many thing, but everything was so clear, so sharp. Words like Aluka, Dracula, Motetz Dam, demon, and Vampire flashed trough her mind, and she instinctively knew that that was what she was, what James had made her. She was not Human anymore, she was a vampire, and this made her angry. Using her new superhuman vamp strength she ripped the chains from the wall, and lunged at James with a growl, and teeth bared. But he was quick to laugh as he slammed the door in her face. Through the door he said in a cheery voice, "You're a strong one Ms. Alice, so happy you're all mine. Never thought I'd turn someone, your lucky a pureblood like me likes you so much. Oh ya George covered for us. Told your mother we ran off to elope ha. See you later my girl." James held her captive for over a year. And in February of 1946 she finally escaped. The first morning of freedom, she found out the hard way that Vampires can't walk in the sun. WWII was over, and people were beginning to raise up out of the horror and wreckage that had plagued the world for the last 5 years. Finding her family, and hiding from the enrage James became her primary mission in life, if you could call it life. Living in darkness, the only thing James had taught her was how to feed without killing, and how to erase the humans memory. She found her way back to Mr.Thomas home in Dover, hoping her mother was still there, but George answered the door. She backed up in fear, expecting to see James behind him, but George just frowned and had the clueless Mr.Thomas invite her inside. George explained that her mother was in Paris with her relatives, and Konrad was in Birmingham England drinking himself to death, as he spent his days going through concentration camp books/logs/papers looking for any mention of Hugo. George apologized for his brother, doing what he did. He explained that James had been there two weeks ago looking for her, and that it was best to not cross paths with him. Over the next three months George reluctantly became Alice's mentor in the ways of a vampire. Teaching her the history, laws, abilities, and limitations of her new life. They became friends in the process. They left Mr.Thomas home in June 1946. Alice wanted to find her family, though George advised against ever seeing them again, he went along with her anyway. She dyed her hair blonde, and began going by the name Susan Wilson, as to keep James off her trail. For two years she searched for her brother all over England and part ways into Wales. She had found her mother living in Paris with Uncle Eugene, but didn't reveal herself to them, knowing George was right, and that it was better they though she was gone. James found her in April 1948. But instead of attacking her, or showing any sign of anger, he smiled cheerfully as he greeted her and George. Alice could tell that he didn't expect George to be with her, but James didn't let on his true feelings. Instead James brightly told Alice that he had a gift for her, as an apology for keeping her locked up. James came back thirty minutes later, with Konrad happily walking beside him. The smiling Konrad, ran up and give Alice a bear hug. "Konrad and I have been looking for you my dear Alice. We've been searching for you for over a year. I must say blonde hair suits you, but your natural brown is more my taste." James told her looking menacingly at George. George and Alice knew James was up to something right off the bat, but Alice was just overjoyed to see her big brother. Little did she know that James had turned Konrad into a vampire, over a year ago, knowing that Alice was looking for him, knowing this was not the life she wanted for her brother. No fight broke out, Alice didn't yell, she just quickly whispered into Konrad's ear, not to trust James and to run. Konrad's response was a light hearted laugh as he stopped hugging her and said "Don't worry Ally, Jamie explained everything, and I'm just like you, fangs and all that. God its good to see you." giving her another hug. James just smiled. The shock of what Konrad had said was apparent on Alice's face, and even George looked wherry. As a general rule vampire were not really allowed to turn more then one person every 50 years, but James didn't seems to follow any rules. Alice was angry, and upset. She didn't want this life for her brother, a life in the darkness, life as a demon. She suppressed the instinct to ripe out James's throat, and instead calmly took Konrad by the hand to make him follow. She needed to be away from James, and to explain the truth to Konrad. George understood this, and went to get James's attention. When Alice and Konrad were far enough away, she told Konrad the truth: how James had attacked her, held her captive, that she was never his fiance, she hated James, and that being a Vampire was not her choice. She could tell Konrad didn't want to believe her, but he knew she was telling the truth, and then he became furious at James. Alice had Konrad, and George on her side, so James was outmatched and could do nothing, he seemed to accept that and leave of his own accord. George apologized again on James behalf, and Konrad just looked lost, like his life was a lie...which it kinda was. Turned out James had told Konrad all about some happy prefect life that was being a vampire, that Alice wanted this for Konrad, so they could all be a happy family together...forever. The months after finding Konrad were an adjustment. She had had a mission, a reason for living since she had become a vamp, and now that she had found Konrad, and seen her mother well the reason was gone. She didn't know what to do with herself, what to do with her impossibly long life. She still had not accepted herself a vampire, a demon. She still had nightmares from her time in the camps, and the death of almost everyone she had ever loved. Everything she had every dreamed of having in life was gone, finishing college, marrying Henri, having children, growing old with loved ones, walking in the sunlight free. She had survived the death camps, the war, but everything she had planed for her life was gone. Depression and self-loathing made up most of the next few years for Alice. George and Konrad stayed with her, and together they made their way to America. A fresh start as Konrad called it. Living in New York city, times were changing in the 50s. George and Alice started a romantic relationship together, and love blossomed, which was something she never thought would happen. She could see a life with George ahead of her. Later in the decade Konrad found himself addicted to fairy blood, and spent most of his time tracking down old Nazi, and killing them off. In early 1955 Konrad had ended up in a prison for supernaturals, as the guardians found him guilty of murdering 12 fairies, and 23 humans. Konrad confessed that it was true, but that the fairies were all accidents, do to his a addiction to their blood, and his uncontrollable thirst. He got 50 years. Over the next five years Alice and George created their lives together. Living in a small supernatural community in Alaska. Alice felt free, and in love. A witch friend charmed a daylight ring for her, and being able to walk in out in the sun, changed Alice's outlook on vampire life completely. In 1961 George and Alice had been traveling around Asia when they ran into James. [u][i]WORK IN PROGRESS[/i][/u] [/hider] Family/Relationships: Father - Frederick Keller - deceased 1941 age 48 Mother - Lucille Keller - deceased 1973 age 75 Older Brother - Konrad Keller - Alive Vampire age 97 Younger Sister - Wilhelmina Keller - deceased 1941 age 16 Younger Brother - Hugo Keller - deceased 1944 age 17 Ex-Fiance - Henri Palissy - deceased 1999 age 84 Enemy/Maker - James Stuart - Alive Vampire age 200 Mentor/Friend/Lover - George Stuart - deceased 1961 Vampire age 421 Other/Extra: She speaks German, English, Polish, Hebrew, French, and Latin fluently. And knows some Spanish, Greek, Mandrin, and Dutch. She is working on learning Russian at the moment. She plays Piano and Violin.