"[color=00aeef]Ruby?[/color]" Verloren asked, slowly tilting his head to get a better view of the necklace Lu held in his hands. His dark grey gaze narrowed for a few moments as he stared intently at the strange stone. "[color=00aeef]You know, I have never seen something like that before either. And that is saying something, seeing as I collected stones when I was little. It looks like there is some kind of... liquid inside of it, almost. Maybe a tigers opal or something? I am sure there are all kinds of things out here we have not seen yet though... huh. Can I see it?[/color]" Ver asked, holding out his hand for the stone, though after a moment he lifted his hand up to lightly scratch at the bandage that covered his face. It was feeling better, but he was still warm to the touch, even he noticed now with his own hand after just brushing over the side of his face that was not covered. Maybe his fever was a bit worse than he expected. Ugh. Though it did faintly pop into his mind that the guards of the village did use special arrows sometimes. Arrows dipped and crafted with special metal and herbs that could cause problems for those hit with them. It didn't effect dragons, for obvious reasons. As no dragon would leave behind their rider, so if they got the rider, the dragon was not a problem unless it enraged. UGH. Why had he not remembered that sooner? The effects wouldn't last too long, but if it interfered with the healing of the wounds and caused his once small fever to get worse... "[color=00aeef]You know... I know you said you wouldn't carry me on your back until we went to the village, but. You might need to carry me there anyway. At least until we are in walking distance of it. My fever is getting kind of worse. We should, uhm... get going to start looking for that village as soon as possible.[/color]" Ver dropped his hand from his face and frowned a bit. "[color=00aeef]It wouldn't be a good idea to stress myself too much, or it could get a lot worse.[/color]"