[quote=@SimplyJohn] A luminous burning sensation akin to sunburn or bad chilli. Som's very much in-tune with the flow of energies in his body due to his religious upbringing, so I felt the selection of power would be appropriate for him. As he failed the Trials twice his training has been a little longer than most Padawan, giving him plenty of time to work on the 'fundamentals' but they're all still quite low-powered versions of the abilities, unlike that of a Knight or a Master, and I won't be overplaying their value to someone who is still technically only a Padawan. :) As a quick note, I've only included the [i]Plant Surge[/i] ability in his profile as a note for future development, not as an active ability at this time. While Som possesses the potential to use the power he's far from learning how to at even a very basic level, beyond making a seed sprout after several minutes of dedicated concentration, as noted on his profile, which may or may not prove to be an asset in the story. :lol [color=fff79a][b]Which other characters would've been either studying or teaching at the Temple within the last 5-10 years, and would their owners be willing to have Som as their colleague, trainee or otherwise known associate?[/b][/color] I take no responsibility for that. You knew those memory erasing drugs were past their use by dates when you bought them from me and I never guaranteed their effectiveness. :P [/quote] If he has been in the Meditation Gardens or other tranquil areas it is possible he has at least met Koren within the past 2 months.