[quote=@SimplyJohn] [color=fff79a][b]Which other characters would've been either studying or teaching at the Temple within the last 5-10 years, and would their owners be willing to have Som as their colleague, trainee or otherwise known associate?[/b][/color][/quote] Well, Xid's not been teaching but he's been training for his Knight Trials within the last 2 months since his arrival. He's only a two week old Knight at this time and currently waiting for assignment, so it's possible the two could've crossed paths. [quote=@SimplyJohn]I take no responsibility for that. You knew those memory erasing drugs were past their use by dates when you bought them from me and I never guaranteed their effectiveness. :P [/quote] Shhhh, don't tell Rtron, he doesn't need to know better. :brow