[center] [hider=David Lemay][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1293/956fa6436e0886a8c265590244b5d6571781cbcd.jpg?1346341[/img] [i]Honestly the best thing I could find[/i][/hider] [hider=Heracles][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-NDDudCEAEMJmD.jpg:large[/img][/hider] [i][h1][color=a0410d]Davey[/color] & [color=a0410d]Heracles[/color][/h1][/i] [color=a0410d][h3]God[/h3] [/color] [i]Heracles, formerly known as Alcaeus[/i] [color=a0410d][h3]Human[/h3] [/color] [i]David "Davey" Lemay[/i] [color=a0410d][h3]Human's Age[/h3][/color] [i]15[/i] (Or would he be 16 now?) [h3] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heracles]God's History[/url][/h3] [i]Son of Zeus, Descendant of Perseus, God of Strength, Gatekeeper of Olympus, Divine Protector of Mankind, Mack Daddy of all Greece[/i] [h3][color=a0410d]Human's Biography[/color][/h3] [i]Born in Peterborough, Ontario, in the illustrious country of Canada, there is nothing particularly spectacular about David or his life story before the dark day. An unexpected surprise for a pair of young lovers who didn't know what they were getting themselves into, Davey's father quickly abandoned ship, deciding he wasn't ready for the responsibilities of a child, though he at least had enough of a heart to pay child support, though that didn't stop Davey from taking his mother's maiden name as his own. Raised by a single mother who struggled to ensure her son was fed and clothed, Davey was always considered shy and small for his age, prone to insulating himself in social situations and flinch at the slightest movement. Due to his meek mannered persona and less than ideal family life, Davey was constantly bullied by the more malicious of his classmates. If there was one thing Davey knew, it was that he was no fighter, and so he usually attempted to talk his way out of confrontations, which usually resulted in harsher beatings and even more self-isolation from his peers. Truly, the only place Davey could ever feel safe was within the confines of his own home, escaping into anime, comic books, and every other shut-in stereotype one can think of. Before he knew it, David had passed through primary school and was enrolled at Crestwood Secondary School. Once there, Davey fell into his usual, unassuming self and generally tried to make sure he didn't make any enemies that would torment him for the next four years of his life. Sadly enough, tragedy would strike midway through his first year, and his mother, Alice, would fall ill. Now truly alone, the next week or so was blank to Davey. Go to school, come home, eat, sleep, wake up, repeat. It didn't take long for the story of his mother's illness to spread throughout the school, and soon enough, the jests began to fly, and Davey had finally had enough. It was time to face his demons head on, damn the consequences. He was beaten to a pulp. After about two seconds and what he thought was a genuinely good strike to the jaw, David's opponent (and his gang) threw him to the ground and simply began to wail away at the diminutive lad. The last thing Davey remembers is the taste of blood in his mouth and the sudden halt of fists connecting with his face. He thought he was beginning to black out. He doesn't know how wrong he was, or just how long he would be out of commission.[/i] (Heracles artwork by Clint Langley, taken from Hercules: The Knives of Kush #4 by Radical Comics)[/center]