Name: Isaac Bellamy Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age:19 Gender: Male Where you from?: France, recently moved to the US, Cleveland. Personality: Secluded but friendly, will help those in need. Back Story: Isaac moved across by himself, he was sent by his parents to experience life on his own. Not having heard news from them, he fears the worst. Living in an apartment on his own, he has plenty of supplies and has barricaded himself in for months on end, using the fire escape by his window to get in and out - as it is easily defended. Some others populated the building, but be doesn't know how many. He has only killed one zombie so far, and rather enjoyed it. Weapons: Falcon (Falchion blade) [hider=blade] [img][/img] [/hider] Rifle, 7.62 mm, Sniper Weapon System, M24 (7 magazine) With detachable silencer or flash suppressor add-on. [hider=rifle] [img][/img] [/hider] Vehicle: Choosing to opt out of fossil fuel using vehicles ( [i]Not that it matters now, damn it![/i] ) Isaac has a bike. [hider=bike] [img][/img] [/hider] He does know how to drive a car though. Other: Isaac hates deep water, and thus has a fear of drowning. Tattoo: A snake wraps around his right forearm with the words "Lutter pour la liberté" written inside. Other: Isaac does not actually speak much French, his mother was French and his father was British. He was brought up speaking English. Note: ([b]I most definitely DID NOT edit a silencer onto my rifle.) [/b]