[i]And who are you, the Sith Lord said, that I must bow so low? [indent]Only a Hutt of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. [indent]With a blade of blue or a blade of red, a Sith still has his claws, [indent]And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours. [indent]And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Sith domain, [indent]But now the droids sweep o'er his hall, with no one there to maim. [indent]Yes, now the droids sweep o'er his hall, and not a soul to maim.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/i] [sup]- Extract from [i]The Droids of Sith Domain[/i], Historical ballad of unknown origin[/sup]