This was an unexpected, and quite frankly perturbing experience for Kei'taro. Sure, he was already underwater, losing air at a slightly frightening rate, and had been submerged by a gigantic World Tortoise, but neither compared to be dragged along at his current pace by an unexpected Key Beast. The disconcerting travel took him just beneath an iceberg, as the creature pursued Pongo. This would look bad, it would look as though a Key Beast was assisting in another challenge, and this clearly was not the case. He had to put a stop to it. Slowly, he began crawling along the back of Uthur attempting to get a good grip on the cold, wet upper fin of the mammoth creature. With his grip adjusted, he pressed up onto the beast until he stood. With as much power as his aching body could muster, he began to pull backwards on the fin, attempting to lift the creature off course. But oh, was it a struggle. Not only were his joints aching, but the creature was traveling at a fairly high speed, even though his grace betrayed that. And he was heavy. Yet, Kei'taro would not stop trying, and eventually his pulling paid off. The ice was thinning, so the damage wouldn't be much, if anything at all, but it would potentially save Pongo, even if it cost Kei'taro the challenge. Uthur, on the other hand, would not be happy. His head was suddenly wrenched up - not by much, but enough. He slammed nose first into an errant downward iceberg face, breaking the ice but causing himself great discomfort. Kei'taro braced himself and with a push, rocketed off the back of Uthur, causing his joints more pain. He pushed through it, however, and noted he was close to the surface, thanks to the path that Uthur had taken. He spun on his horizontal axis and caught sight of Uthur, and boy was the creature angry. And most notably, swells were coming - underwater swells. And teeth. Sharp, angry looking teeth. If possible, Kei'taro's feet kicked even faster.