Masaru continued to run. unsure is Chit Zai was behind him or not. He had no time, as the water bender who were chasing them were once again on their trail. He neared the town, seeing that people were starting to fill up the streets. The Harvest festival was still ongoing, but it moved from people's houses to out in the open, now that the air was much cooler than it was earlier in the day. He weaved about, trying to keep anyone off of his tail. However, just as he was about to turn a corner, a man ran into the young Avatar. The man was much taller than he was, and had a distinct water nation appearance to him. Quickly, he took several steps back. He could have been another person after him. He had called him out as the avatar, spoke about a problematic person, and asked by his master by name. Saying it was suspicious was an understatement, and Masaru took several more steps away. However, another person caught his attention, who faced away from them. He could see her green Earth Kingdom clothing, and believed that the two of them were on his side, with her talking about a contact, which Chit Zai had brought up before. The young man let his guard down just slightly, still unsure whether to trust them or not.