Han's blood ran cold when she recognized him. He knew in his heart the second he dug her out of the snow it was his sister. He prayed it wasn't, but now she was sitting here in the room with him. His head dropped downward, he couldn't bare to look at her. He'd abandoned her five years ago and never fulfilled his promise to come back for her. “Whoa slow down!” Max gently lead Snow back. “You're body is still recovering, you're very luck you didn't get frostbite.” “Otherwise we'd have to cut you're hands off.” Al blurted out. Max kicked Al in the shin, “Why don't you be useful and get more blankets?” Al disappeared for before returning holding two blankets. “Uh, you sure you want these?” He made a face, “They're not exactly...clean.” Max rolled his eyes, “Christ Al, she's practically a popsicle!” “Well...” he hesitated, “These were the ones that...you know.” Max stood up and snatched the blankets muttering, [i]She don't need to know that, dummy![/i] He then carefully layered the blankets on top of Snow, making sure she was completely covered. Hans could see his sister still looking at him. As much as he wanted to melt into the floorboards, he knew he had to say something. He pulled up a wooden stool and sat next to her. “I was gonna come back for you.” He finally muttered.