[img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/327/7/a/crashed_spaceship_environment_by_dungace-d6vdh1k.jpg[/img] [Center][b][u]Welcome to Phlegethon[/u][/b][/Center] Our world is a world of many races, of dangerous magicks, of gods and demons and secret horrors. Societies, religions and nations strive for dominance in the ruins of a star-faring civilization destroyed millennia ago in some unimaginable cataclysm. Together, we will build this world: populate it with strange races, create its rival myths and religions, design the nations and empires that span across its surface, detail the ruins of a once-mighty empire that spanned the stars. The goal here is to collaboratively create a unique fantasy world, one that will serve as a shared setting that can be used in future stories and NRPs. Our setting will be weird fantasy- we will eschew or adapt the standard high fantasy fare to create something unique and strange, something that both utilizes the fantasy, post-apocalyptic and sci fi tropes we know and love and creatively reinterprets them. For the opening phases of this world building project, I will serve as a "GM" of sorts, moderating and coordinating peoples' contributions, but I hope that as we work together my leadership role will become unnecessary. My main concern will be a sortve aesthetic coherence to the setting, making sure that everyone's nations, religions, characters, histories, etc cohere with the general atmosphere we're trying to create. There will be no established 'canon' interpretation of the universe- rival IC myths, religions, philosophies and lore will be neither right nor wrong in OOC terms, and multiple IC histories and OOC theories of how the setting came to be will be encouraged. Magic will be relatively commonplace- much less common and direct than in say, the Elder Scrolls games, but more obviously relevant than in, say, Game of Thrones or low fantasy settings. It is my hope that this project will serve as the basis for collaborative writing projects and RPs that will, in turn, contribute to the project of building the setting. In other words, we will be designing this world in a number of ways: through traditional "nation sheet" and "character sheets", as well as through shared IC writing projects in which the setting emerges organically. Some inspirations for the aesthetic of this RP are: Lord of the Rings, the Lovecraft mythos, TES: Morrowind, and Warhammer 40K. I hope you'll join me!