The strongman has said little thus far, mostly stuffing his face with the delightful poultry. Especially now that his fourth dimensional smell and taste has returned. Quietly, or as quietly as one can munch away at a turkey leg, Kristof wondered just what in the world was this guy's problem. It is as if the doctor has a perpetual stick up his ass. Groaning discontentedly as he was forced to leave the delicious bird on the bench, he nods to the others in the room. Not really knowing any of them, though he feels quite a bit better about not being the only foreigner here. He finally speaks up after Fukui's demonstration, "Mister doctor, I am not exactly the weapon kind of person. And wearing bulky armour like mister Garsin would see me burdened. In my line of work I was needed finesse you see." After scanning Fukui's almost fed up expression he added, "But, if it is the opinion of an expert, I will take the recommendation." looking over the gauntlet he finishes with, "Though, I am not the best with technology, I will need guidance."