Whee~ [hider=CS][list] [*]Name: Erika Vasory [*]Age: 28 (physically 18) [*]Gender: Female [*]Appearance: [url=http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Erika-dressed-presentably-for-once-461703608]Whee.[/url] She's about 5'6". [*]Items: Smartphone, MP3 player filled mostly with 90's rock, several books (mostly classic literature, but there's a few trashy vampire novels there she reads for cheap laughs)... Nothing really exceptional or strange, really. [*]Abilities: Erika is a low powered form of vampire (she refers to herself as a "common vampire"), lacking a lot of the traditional abilities that vampires tend to have but also possessing fewer of their weaknesses as a tradeoff. Her physical capabilities are just barely within superhuman range, and her senses of sight and smell are stronger than those of a regular human. Sunlight doesn't particularly bother her (although with her pale she is, she is rather susceptible to sunburn), although she is nocturnal and prefers to operate during the night. Holy symbols and other objects of faith don't repel her, and she can cross running water whilst suffering no ill effects. Decapitation, fire and a stake through the heart can prove fatal to her, but then again those tend to kill most things. Naturally, she needs to feed on blood to survive; however, since it was never specifically stated that she needs to feed on [i]human[/i] blood, she has a deal with the local butcher to provide her with pig blood instead. She can eat regular food too, mind you; it provides little sustenance for her, though, and she mostly does so either for pleasure or just out of habit. Vampirism aside, Erika is rather intelligent (although not superhumanly so) and possesses a degree in classic literature (night classes, naturally). [*]Background: For an immortal creature of the night, Erika's past is... Not exactly all that interesting or notable, honestly. Growing up, she was always rather shy and prefered the company of books to other humans, and... Well, that all changed when she was turned into a vampire. She can't exactly remember what happened, or who did it to her, but one night soon after her eighteenth birthday she was bitten and became one of the undead. After initially freaking out about it, she soon not only realized that it changed very little (as she puts it, she just has an inherited medical condition that requires a specialized diet), but quickly broke out of her shell. Possessed of new found confidence, she embraced the night life with relative ease, quickly making up for the lack of social life she had in high school. [*]Other: N/A [/list][/hider]