Hello, Everyone! Recently, I started playing Wild Arms again (Specifically, WA3). As one might assume, I now want to do a Roleplay that has the feel of it. [b]What I'm looking for:[/b] [list] [*]A male partner who is 18+ due to possible adult content (Violence, Romance, etc). [*]Someone able to roleplay on a high-casual to advance level. A good mix of them is the best. [*]Someone who has time to RP and won't leave me waiting day after day... [*]Someone who is friendly and happy to chat OOC as we RP. [*]Someone able to contribute to the RP and play multiple characters for story purposes. [/list] Now, I would be happy if someone might be willing to play Clive or Gallow, but I'm happy to accept OCs as well. ^.^ [b]Plot Idea:[/b] This is for an OC, but can be altered for if you want to play Clive or Gallow. [i]Many people dream of being a drifter. Everyone has their own reason and their own goal. One man (your char) is a relatively wealthy young man from a proper upbringing, but his dreams to be a drifter finally took him out of his home and out into the wasteland where he's lived for a few months. After paying for a ticket and boarding a train to head for a land far away, he's given bad news when told they had to give his room to an important person who came aboard last moment. The good news is, another passenger has offered to share their room. To his surprise, the person offering the second bunk in the room is a woman, but not just any woman. She is a woman known as a legend among the wasteland. Known simply as Blind Eyed Gunner, or Gunner for short, she has one of the quickest draws in the west and features that make her stand out, including the one bright eye she allows people to see while hiding the other. Never in one place for long, and often hired to capture wanted criminals, she is considered a kind person, but her personality can often be considered cold and quiet. During the night, the train is attacked and the two have to defend it, but when the train separates, the two have no choice but to jump, leaving them abandoned in the middle of nowhere. As drifters, this isn't a huge deal, but something is nagging them both. The attack on the train...there's more to it...and they both want to find out what.[/i] Pretty basic plot. We can tweak and add things to it as we go, maybe bring in more characters, etc. So, if interested, PM me. ^^ Feel free to build your char as you see fit.