Erok swore silently to himeslf. Without Chit nearby to verify who he was, the Avatar could run away any second. There was also the issue of this strange woman behind him. Perhaps another teacher? Motioning for the Avatar to be calm and still, Erok looked around at the swirling crowd that grew around them. An ample distraction, and almost perfect cover, although temporary. "Masaru," Erok kept his voice lowered, cautious even in the din of the approaching masses, "my name is Erok. I'm the one your master, Chit Zai, was expecting today. We foolishly relied on his being with you in order to make introductions..." Erok sighed heavily when he saw that Masaru continued to eye him and his companion uncertainty. He looked the way they came, then to the girl. "Mai, we are going to need to wait for Chit. Keep your plan ready to go just in case, we should be safe for a moment." Erok turned back to Masaru, almost pleading. "Can you lead us to your master? He can explain the rest and verify who I am. There is someone approaching quickly, and while I'd fight to defend you, our escape would be faster with Chit's aid."