"I'm home," Shelley said in Cantonese upon entering her house. Shelley's mother and grandmother were in the middle of some sort of argument, so her mother simply gave a short nod of acknowledgment. Her grandmother, on the other hand, stopped the argument for a moment and turned to Shelley, "Welcome back, Shi Ling," she said in Cantonese, "How was your day at school today?" Shelley's mother gave Shelley a look that said, 'just indulge her, but not too long; I'm not letting her weasel her way out of this argument just because I'm winning'. "It was fine..." Shelley said non-noncommittally. "Did you meet any nice boys?" her grandmother prodded. "Mom..." Shelley's mother said in exasperation, "Shi Ling's too young, and needs to focus on her studies." As their argument resumed, Shelley quietly made her way upstairs to her room. Because of the thin walls, she could still hear the argument downstairs, a cacophony that always made her heart sink. She booted up her computer and put on her headphones. Randomly, her grandmother's question popped into her head, and she realized that she had in fact met a boy, Johnathan Hyre, but she doubted that that really counted. But then again, he did ask to meet up on a weekend, but it wasn't like he was asking her out; Shelley wasn't really 'dating material', people hardly looked at her. She didn't really want to go tomorrow, she had just purchased an empire management game during the recent Steam Sale and was ready to waste her whole weekend pouring hours into attempting to conquer the galaxy against a bunch of AI. As if to provoke her, the parchment stuck out awkwardly from a stack of unsorted stationery. She'd be glad to be rid of it along with the dumb rumors that had been circulating. She sighed and booted up the game; she would play until her mom called her down to an awkward dinner.